Northern Ireland Forum for Political Dialogue

The Forum for Political Dialogue met between 1996 and 1998 in Belfast as part of the negotiations that led to the Good Friday Agreement.

Secretary of State

This is one of the 14 delegations in the convention, accounting for 1 of 164 people who took part.

Members (1):

Name Visualize Details Delegations
Patrick Mayhew Visualize Baron Patrick (Paddy) Barnabas Burke Mayhew; Kt 1983; PC 1986; QC 1972; DL; Baron (Life Peer) of Kilndown 1997. Born 11 September 1929; died 25 June 2016. Secretary of State for Northern Ireland, 1992–97. Mayhew was a Conservative MP for Tunbridge Wells from 1974 until standing down at the 1997 general election. British Government (Northern Ireland Downing Street Joint Declaration (1993)) , British Government (Northern Ireland International Body on Arms Decommissioning 1995-1996) , British Government (Northern Ireland Brooke/Mayhew Talks 1991-1992) , Northern Ireland Office (Northern Ireland Forum for Political Dialogue) , Secretary of State (This negotiation)