Search Results

Committee: Joint Committee of Fifteen on Reconstruction

Event Id Target Id Proposal Name Target Name Source Dependant Amendments Ultimate Decision Type
129038 129037 Mr. Stevens' Constitutional Amendment: Mr. Conkling's Amendment Mr. Stevens' Constitutional Amendment Journal of the Joint Committee of Fifteen on Reconstruction ADOPT_PROPOSAL
129040 129037 Mr. Stevens' Constitutional Amendment: Mr. Morrill's Amendment Mr. Stevens' Constitutional Amendment Journal of the Joint Committee of Fifteen on Reconstruction REJECT_PROPOSAL
129049 129037 Mr. Stevens' Constitutional Amendment: Mr. Williams' Amendment Mr. Stevens' Constitutional Amendment Journal of the Joint Committee of Fifteen on Reconstruction DROP_PROPOSAL
129144 129037 Mr. Stevens' Constitutional Amendment: Mr. Morrill's Substitute Mr. Stevens' Constitutional Amendment Journal of the Joint Committee of Fifteen on Reconstruction No decision
129545 129037 Mr. Stevens' Constitutional Amendment: Mr. Williams' Substitute Mr. Stevens' Constitutional Amendment Journal of the Joint Committee of Fifteen on Reconstruction No decision
129546 129037 Mr. Stevens' Constitutional Amendment: Mr. Conkling's Substitute Mr. Stevens' Constitutional Amendment Journal of the Joint Committee of Fifteen on Reconstruction No decision
129548 129037 Mr. Stevens' Constitutional Amendment: Mr. Boutwell's Substitute Mr. Stevens' Constitutional Amendment Journal of the Joint Committee of Fifteen on Reconstruction No decision
129555 129553 Mr. Bingham's Resolution on Amending the Joint Resolution: Mr. Johnson's Substitute Resolution on Amending the Joint Resolution Journal of the Joint Committee of Fifteen on Reconstruction ADOPT_PROPOSAL
870997 870996 Article B: Mr. Stevens' Amendment Article B Journal of the Joint Committee of Fifteen on Reconstruction DROP_PROPOSAL
870999 870996 Article B: Mr. Conkling's Amendment Article B Journal of the Joint Committee of Fifteen on Reconstruction ADOPT_PROPOSAL
871000 870996 Article B: Mr. Morrill's Amendment Article B Journal of the Joint Committee of Fifteen on Reconstruction ADOPT_PROPOSAL
131976 129835 Article C: Mr. Howard's Amendment Article C Journal of the Joint Committee of Fifteen on Reconstruction REJECT_PROPOSAL
132152 129835 Article C: Mr. Boutwell's Amendment Article C Journal of the Joint Committee of Fifteen on Reconstruction REJECT_PROPOSAL
899106 899104 Article C: Mr. Fessenden's Amendment Article C Journal of the Joint Committee of Fifteen on Reconstruction ADOPT_PROPOSAL
899109 899104 Article C: Mr. Johnson's First Amendment Article C Journal of the Joint Committee of Fifteen on Reconstruction ADOPT_PROPOSAL
899111 899104 Article C: Mr. Johnson's Second Amendment Article C Journal of the Joint Committee of Fifteen on Reconstruction ADOPT_PROPOSAL
899113 899104 Article C: Mr. Johnson's Third Amendment Article C Journal of the Joint Committee of Fifteen on Reconstruction REJECT_PROPOSAL
739114 739113 H. Res. 51: Mr. Stevens' Amendment H. Res. 51 Journal of the Joint Committee of Fifteen on Reconstruction ADOPT_PROPOSAL
739116 739113 H. Res. 51: Mr. Johnson's Amendment H. Res. 51 Journal of the Joint Committee of Fifteen on Reconstruction REJECT_PROPOSAL
899118 899104 Article C: Mr. Bingham's Substitute Article C Journal of the Joint Committee of Fifteen on Reconstruction ADOPT_PROPOSAL
896629 896621 Plan of Reconstruction [As Considered by Sections]: Section 1 Plan of Reconstruction [As Considered by Sections] Journal of the Joint Committee of Fifteen on Reconstruction ADOPT_PROPOSAL
896630 896629 Plan of Reconstruction [As Considered by Sections]: Section 1: Mr. Bingham's Amendment Plan of Reconstruction [As Considered by Sections]: Section 1 Journal of the Joint Committee of Fifteen on Reconstruction REJECT_PROPOSAL
896636 896621 Plan of Reconstruction [As Considered by Sections]: Section 2 Plan of Reconstruction [As Considered by Sections] Journal of the Joint Committee of Fifteen on Reconstruction ADOPT_PROPOSAL
896639 896621 Plan of Reconstruction [As Considered by Sections]: Section 3 Plan of Reconstruction [As Considered by Sections] Journal of the Joint Committee of Fifteen on Reconstruction ADOPT_PROPOSAL
896640 896621 Plan of Reconstruction [As Considered by Sections]: Section 4 Plan of Reconstruction [As Considered by Sections] Journal of the Joint Committee of Fifteen on Reconstruction ADOPT_PROPOSAL
896641 896640 Plan of Reconstruction [As Considered by Sections]: Section 4: Mr. Rogers' Amendment Plan of Reconstruction [As Considered by Sections]: Section 4 Journal of the Joint Committee of Fifteen on Reconstruction REJECT_PROPOSAL
896642 896640 Plan of Reconstruction [As Considered by Sections]: Section 4: Mr. Stevens' Amendment Plan of Reconstruction [As Considered by Sections]: Section 4 Journal of the Joint Committee of Fifteen on Reconstruction ADOPT_PROPOSAL
896643 896621 Plan of Reconstruction [As Considered by Sections]: Mr. Bingham's Additional Section Plan of Reconstruction [As Considered by Sections] Journal of the Joint Committee of Fifteen on Reconstruction ADOPT_PROPOSAL
896646 896621 Plan of Reconstruction [As Considered by Sections]: Section 6 Plan of Reconstruction [As Considered by Sections] Journal of the Joint Committee of Fifteen on Reconstruction ADOPT_PROPOSAL
896647 896621 Plan of Reconstruction [As Considered by Sections]: Joint Resolution on the Restoration of States Plan of Reconstruction [As Considered by Sections] Journal of the Joint Committee of Fifteen on Reconstruction No decision
896648 896647 Plan of Reconstruction [As Considered by Sections]: Joint Resolution on the Restoration of States: Mr. Morrill's Additional Resolution Plan of Reconstruction [As Considered by Sections]: Joint Resolution on the Restoration of States Journal of the Joint Committee of Fifteen on Reconstruction No decision
896650 896647 Plan of Reconstruction [As Considered by Sections]: Joint Resolution on the Restoration of States: Mr. Bingham's Amendment Plan of Reconstruction [As Considered by Sections]: Joint Resolution on the Restoration of States Journal of the Joint Committee of Fifteen on Reconstruction No decision
896797 896621 Plan of Reconstruction [As Considered by Sections]: Mr. Stevens' Withdrawal of the Joint Resolution on the Restoration of States Plan of Reconstruction [As Considered by Sections] Journal of the Joint Committee of Fifteen on Reconstruction No decision
899399 899398 A Bill to Provide for the Restoration to the States Lately in Insurrection of Their Full Political Rights: Mr. Bingham's Amendment A Bill to Provide for the Restoration to the States Lately in Insurrection of Their Full Political Rights Journal of the Joint Committee of Fifteen on Reconstruction REJECT_PROPOSAL
899401 899398 A Bill to Provide for the Restoration to the States Lately in Insurrection of Their Full Political Rights: Mr. Stevens' Amendment A Bill to Provide for the Restoration to the States Lately in Insurrection of Their Full Political Rights Journal of the Joint Committee of Fifteen on Reconstruction ADOPT_PROPOSAL
899402 899398 A Bill to Provide for the Restoration to the States Lately in Insurrection of Their Full Political Rights: Mr. Stevens' Second Amendment A Bill to Provide for the Restoration to the States Lately in Insurrection of Their Full Political Rights Journal of the Joint Committee of Fifteen on Reconstruction ADOPT_PROPOSAL
899406 899398 A Bill to Provide for the Restoration to the States Lately in Insurrection of Their Full Political Rights: Mr. Williams' Amendment A Bill to Provide for the Restoration to the States Lately in Insurrection of Their Full Political Rights Journal of the Joint Committee of Fifteen on Reconstruction ADOPT_PROPOSAL
899408 899398 A Bill to Provide for the Restoration to the States Lately in Insurrection of Their Full Political Rights: Mr. Boutwell's Amendment A Bill to Provide for the Restoration to the States Lately in Insurrection of Their Full Political Rights Journal of the Joint Committee of Fifteen on Reconstruction ADOPT_PROPOSAL
899410 899398 A Bill to Provide for the Restoration to the States Lately in Insurrection of Their Full Political Rights: Mr. Boutwell's Second Amendment A Bill to Provide for the Restoration to the States Lately in Insurrection of Their Full Political Rights Journal of the Joint Committee of Fifteen on Reconstruction ADOPT_PROPOSAL
899412 899398 A Bill to Provide for the Restoration to the States Lately in Insurrection of Their Full Political Rights: Mr. Morrill's Additional Section A Bill to Provide for the Restoration to the States Lately in Insurrection of Their Full Political Rights Journal of the Joint Committee of Fifteen on Reconstruction ADOPT_PROPOSAL
899415 899398 A Bill to Provide for the Restoration to the States Lately in Insurrection of Their Full Political Rights: Mr. Conkling's Amendment A Bill to Provide for the Restoration to the States Lately in Insurrection of Their Full Political Rights Journal of the Joint Committee of Fifteen on Reconstruction ADOPT_PROPOSAL
899416 899398 A Bill to Provide for the Restoration to the States Lately in Insurrection of Their Full Political Rights: Mr. Bingham's Second Amendment A Bill to Provide for the Restoration to the States Lately in Insurrection of Their Full Political Rights Journal of the Joint Committee of Fifteen on Reconstruction ADOPT_PROPOSAL
896800 896621 Williams' Amendment to Strike Out Section 5 Plan of Reconstruction [As Considered by Sections] Journal of the Joint Committee of Fifteen on Reconstruction ADOPT_PROPOSAL
896807 896621 Plan of Reconstruction [As Considered by Sections]: Mr. Stevens' Amendment to Strike Out Section 2 Plan of Reconstruction [As Considered by Sections] Journal of the Joint Committee of Fifteen on Reconstruction ADOPT_PROPOSAL
896810 896621 Plan of Reconstruction [As Considered by Sections]: Mr. Williams' Alternative Section 2 Plan of Reconstruction [As Considered by Sections] Journal of the Joint Committee of Fifteen on Reconstruction ADOPT_PROPOSAL
896813 896621 Plan of Reconstruction [As Considered by Sections]: Mr. Rogers' Amendment to Section 3 Plan of Reconstruction [As Considered by Sections] Journal of the Joint Committee of Fifteen on Reconstruction REJECT_PROPOSAL
896814 896621 Plan of Reconstruction [As Considered by Sections]: Mr. Bingham's Amendment to Section 3 Plan of Reconstruction [As Considered by Sections] Journal of the Joint Committee of Fifteen on Reconstruction ADOPT_PROPOSAL
896816 896621 Plan of Reconstruction [As Considered by Sections]: Mr. Boutwell's Additional Section Plan of Reconstruction [As Considered by Sections] Journal of the Joint Committee of Fifteen on Reconstruction REJECT_PROPOSAL
896819 896816 Plan of Reconstruction [As Considered by Sections]: Mr. Boutwell's Additional Section: Mr. Stevens' Amendment Plan of Reconstruction [As Considered by Sections]: Mr. Boutwell's Additional Section Journal of the Joint Committee of Fifteen on Reconstruction REJECT_PROPOSAL
896822 896621 Plan of Reconstruction [As Considered by Sections]: Mr. Harris' Additional Section Plan of Reconstruction [As Considered by Sections] Journal of the Joint Committee of Fifteen on Reconstruction ADOPT_PROPOSAL
896828 896621 Plan of Reconstruction [As Considered by Sections]: Mr. Bingham's Alternative Section 1 Plan of Reconstruction [As Considered by Sections] Journal of the Joint Committee of Fifteen on Reconstruction ADOPT_PROPOSAL
899417 899398 Motion to Consider Exclusions as a Separate Bill A Bill to Provide for the Restoration to the States Lately in Insurrection of Their Full Political Rights Journal of the Joint Committee of Fifteen on Reconstruction No decision
899421 899398 A Bill to Provide for the Restoration to the States Lately in Insurrection of Their Full Political Rights: Modification of the Preamble to Conform with the Action of the Committee A Bill to Provide for the Restoration to the States Lately in Insurrection of Their Full Political Rights Journal of the Joint Committee of Fifteen on Reconstruction ADOPT_PROPOSAL
899429 899398 A Bill to Provide for the Restoration to the States Lately in Insurrection of Their Full Political Rights: Section 1 A Bill to Provide for the Restoration to the States Lately in Insurrection of Their Full Political Rights Journal of the Joint Committee of Fifteen on Reconstruction ADOPT_PROPOSAL
899434 899429 A Bill to Provide for the Restoration to the States Lately in Insurrection of Their Full Political Rights: Section 1: Mr. Fessenden's Amendment A Bill to Provide for the Restoration to the States Lately in Insurrection of Their Full Political Rights: Section 1 Journal of the Joint Committee of Fifteen on Reconstruction ADOPT_PROPOSAL
899437 899429 A Bill to Provide for the Restoration to the States Lately in Insurrection of Their Full Political Rights: Section 1: Mr. Boutwell's Amendment A Bill to Provide for the Restoration to the States Lately in Insurrection of Their Full Political Rights: Section 1 Journal of the Joint Committee of Fifteen on Reconstruction REJECT_PROPOSAL
899438 899437 A Bill to Provide for the Restoration to the States Lately in Insurrection of Their Full Political Rights: Section 1: Mr. Boutwell's Amendment: Mr. Bingham's Amendment A Bill to Provide for the Restoration to the States Lately in Insurrection of Their Full Political Rights: Section 1: Mr. Boutwell's Amendment Journal of the Joint Committee of Fifteen on Reconstruction REJECT_PROPOSAL
899441 899429 A Bill to Provide for the Restoration to the States Lately in Insurrection of Their Full Political Rights: Section 1: Mr. Conkling's Amendment A Bill to Provide for the Restoration to the States Lately in Insurrection of Their Full Political Rights: Section 1 Journal of the Joint Committee of Fifteen on Reconstruction ADOPT_PROPOSAL
899442 899429 A Bill to Provide for the Restoration to the States Lately in Insurrection of Their Full Political Rights: Section 1: Mr. Williams' Amendment A Bill to Provide for the Restoration to the States Lately in Insurrection of Their Full Political Rights: Section 1 Journal of the Joint Committee of Fifteen on Reconstruction REJECT_PROPOSAL
899430 899398 A Bill to Provide for the Restoration to the States Lately in Insurrection of Their Full Political Rights: Section 2 A Bill to Provide for the Restoration to the States Lately in Insurrection of Their Full Political Rights Journal of the Joint Committee of Fifteen on Reconstruction ADOPT_PROPOSAL
899449 899418 A Bill to Declare Certain Persons Ineligible to Office: Mr. Conkling's Amendment A Bill to Declare Certain Persons Ineligible to Office Journal of the Joint Committee of Fifteen on Reconstruction ADOPT_PROPOSAL
899450 899418 A Bill to Declare Certain Persons Ineligible to Office: Mr. Fessenden's Amendment A Bill to Declare Certain Persons Ineligible to Office Journal of the Joint Committee of Fifteen on Reconstruction ADOPT_PROPOSAL
899451 899418 A Bill to Declare Certain Persons Ineligible to Office: Mr. Howard's Amendment A Bill to Declare Certain Persons Ineligible to Office Journal of the Joint Committee of Fifteen on Reconstruction REJECT_PROPOSAL
899452 899418 A Bill to Declare Certain Persons Ineligible to Office: Amendment A Bill to Declare Certain Persons Ineligible to Office Journal of the Joint Committee of Fifteen on Reconstruction ADOPT_PROPOSAL
899454 899418 A Bill to Declare Certain Persons Ineligible to Office: Mr. Grimes' Amendment A Bill to Declare Certain Persons Ineligible to Office Journal of the Joint Committee of Fifteen on Reconstruction ADOPT_PROPOSAL
899456 899418 A Bill to Declare Certain Persons Ineligible to Office: Mr. Grimes' Second Amendment A Bill to Declare Certain Persons Ineligible to Office Journal of the Joint Committee of Fifteen on Reconstruction REJECT_PROPOSAL
899458 899418 A Bill to Declare Certain Persons Ineligible to Office: Amendment A Bill to Declare Certain Persons Ineligible to Office Journal of the Joint Committee of Fifteen on Reconstruction No decision
901098 740601 Mr. Stevens' Resolution on Reconstruction: Mr. Stevens' Modification Mr. Stevens' Resolution on Reconstruction Journal of the Joint Committee of Fifteen on Reconstruction No decision
901101 901085 H. R. 543: Mr. Bingham's Amendment H. R. 543 Journal of the Joint Committee of Fifteen on Reconstruction No decision
901665 901663 S. 564 [As Amended in the Joint Committee on Reconstruction]: Mr. Conkling's Amendment to the Preamble S. 564 [As Amended in the Joint Committee on Reconstruction] Journal of the Joint Committee of Fifteen on Reconstruction ADOPT_PROPOSAL
901667 901663 S. 564 [As Amended in the Joint Committee on Reconstruction]: Amendment to the Preamble S. 564 [As Amended in the Joint Committee on Reconstruction] Journal of the Joint Committee of Fifteen on Reconstruction ADOPT_PROPOSAL
901668 901663 S. 564 [As Amended in the Joint Committee on Reconstruction]: Mr. Farnsworth's Amendment to the Preamble S. 564 [As Amended in the Joint Committee on Reconstruction] Journal of the Joint Committee of Fifteen on Reconstruction ADOPT_PROPOSAL
901676 901663 S. 564 [As Amended in the Joint Committee on Reconstruction]: Mr. Johnson's Amendment to the Preamble S. 564 [As Amended in the Joint Committee on Reconstruction] Journal of the Joint Committee of Fifteen on Reconstruction REJECT_PROPOSAL
901677 901663 S. 564 [As Amended in the Joint Committee on Reconstruction]: Second Amendment to the Preamble S. 564 [As Amended in the Joint Committee on Reconstruction] Journal of the Joint Committee of Fifteen on Reconstruction ADOPT_PROPOSAL
901678 901663 S. 564 [As Amended in the Joint Committee on Reconstruction]: Mr. Bingham's Substitute for the Preamble S. 564 [As Amended in the Joint Committee on Reconstruction] Journal of the Joint Committee of Fifteen on Reconstruction REJECT_PROPOSAL
901679 901663 S. 564 [As Amended in the Joint Committee on Reconstruction]: Section 1 S. 564 [As Amended in the Joint Committee on Reconstruction] Journal of the Joint Committee of Fifteen on Reconstruction ADOPT_PROPOSAL
901680 901679 S. 564 [As Amended in the Joint Committee on Reconstruction]: Section 1: Mr Conkling's Amendment S. 564 [As Amended in the Joint Committee on Reconstruction]: Section 1 Journal of the Joint Committee of Fifteen on Reconstruction NO_OBJECTION
901681 901679 S. 564 [As Amended in the Joint Committee on Reconstruction]: Section 1: Mr. Bingham's Amendment S. 564 [As Amended in the Joint Committee on Reconstruction]: Section 1 Journal of the Joint Committee of Fifteen on Reconstruction REJECT_PROPOSAL
901683 901679 S. 564 [As Amended in the Joint Committee on Reconstruction]: Section 1: Mr. Bingham's Second Amendment S. 564 [As Amended in the Joint Committee on Reconstruction]: Section 1 Journal of the Joint Committee of Fifteen on Reconstruction REJECT_PROPOSAL
901686 901663 S. 564 [As Amended in the Joint Committee on Reconstruction]: Section 2 S. 564 [As Amended in the Joint Committee on Reconstruction] Journal of the Joint Committee of Fifteen on Reconstruction NO_OBJECTION
901687 901686 S. 564 [As Amended in the Joint Committee on Reconstruction]: Section 2: Mr. Conkling's Amendment S. 564 [As Amended in the Joint Committee on Reconstruction]: Section 2 Journal of the Joint Committee of Fifteen on Reconstruction ADOPT_PROPOSAL
901688 901663 S. 564 [As Amended in the Joint Committee on Reconstruction]: Section 3 S. 564 [As Amended in the Joint Committee on Reconstruction] Journal of the Joint Committee of Fifteen on Reconstruction ADOPT_PROPOSAL
901690 901688 S. 564 [As Amended in the Joint Committee on Reconstruction]: Section 3: Mr. Harris' Amendment S. 564 [As Amended in the Joint Committee on Reconstruction]: Section 3 Journal of the Joint Committee of Fifteen on Reconstruction ADOPT_PROPOSAL
901691 901688 S. 564 [As Amended in the Joint Committee on Reconstruction]: Section 3: Mr. Bingham's Amendment S. 564 [As Amended in the Joint Committee on Reconstruction]: Section 3 Journal of the Joint Committee of Fifteen on Reconstruction ADOPT_PROPOSAL
901692 901688 S. 564 [As Amended in the Joint Committee on Reconstruction]: Section 3: Mr. Bingham's Second Amendment S. 564 [As Amended in the Joint Committee on Reconstruction]: Section 3 Journal of the Joint Committee of Fifteen on Reconstruction REJECT_PROPOSAL
901693 901688 S. 564 [As Amended in the Joint Committee on Reconstruction]: Section 3: Mr. Bingham's Third Amendment S. 564 [As Amended in the Joint Committee on Reconstruction]: Section 3 Journal of the Joint Committee of Fifteen on Reconstruction REJECT_PROPOSAL
901694 901663 S. 564 [As Amended in the Joint Committee on Reconstruction]: Section 4 S. 564 [As Amended in the Joint Committee on Reconstruction] Journal of the Joint Committee of Fifteen on Reconstruction ADOPT_PROPOSAL
901695 901694 S. 564 [As Amended in the Joint Committee on Reconstruction]: Section 4: Mr. Conkling's Amendment S. 564 [As Amended in the Joint Committee on Reconstruction]: Section 4 Journal of the Joint Committee of Fifteen on Reconstruction ADOPT_PROPOSAL
901696 901663 S. 564 [As Amended in the Joint Committee on Reconstruction]: Section 5 S. 564 [As Amended in the Joint Committee on Reconstruction] Journal of the Joint Committee of Fifteen on Reconstruction ADOPT_PROPOSAL
901697 901696 S. 564 [As Amended in the Joint Committee on Reconstruction]: Section 5: Mr. Conkling's Amendment S. 564 [As Amended in the Joint Committee on Reconstruction]: Section 5 Journal of the Joint Committee of Fifteen on Reconstruction ADOPT_PROPOSAL
901698 901686 S. 564 [As Amended in the Joint Committee on Reconstruction]: Section 2: Mr. Howard's Amendment S. 564 [As Amended in the Joint Committee on Reconstruction]: Section 2 Journal of the Joint Committee of Fifteen on Reconstruction ADOPT_PROPOSAL

Committee: The Senate

Event Id Target Id Proposal Name Target Name Source Dependant Amendments Ultimate Decision Type
738292 131614 Resolution on Joint Committee: Mr. Anthony's Amendment Resolution to Create a Joint Committee on Reconstruction The Congressional Globe ADOPT_PROPOSAL
738293 738292 Resolution on Joint Committee: Mr. Anthony's Amendment: Mr. Foot's Correction Resolution on Joint Committee: Mr. Anthony's Amendment The Congressional Globe ADOPT_PROPOSAL
738296 131614 Resolution on Joint Committee: Mr. Anthony's Second Amendment Resolution to Create a Joint Committee on Reconstruction The Congressional Globe ADOPT_PROPOSAL
738305 131614 Resolution on Joint Committee: Mr. Cowan's Amendment Resolution to Create a Joint Committee on Reconstruction The Congressional Globe REJECT_PROPOSAL
738310 131614 Resolution on Joint Committee: Mr. Dixon's Amendment Resolution to Create a Joint Committee on Reconstruction The Congressional Globe REJECT_PROPOSAL
901570 739588 H. Res. 51: Mr. Doolittle's Amendment: Mr. Sherman's Substitute H. Res. 51: Mr. Doolittle's Amendment The Congressional Globe DROP_PROPOSAL
901574 739588 H. Res. 51: Mr. Doolittle's Amendment: Mr. Stewart's Amendment H. Res. 51: Mr. Doolittle's Amendment The Congressional Globe No decision
901577 739588 H. Res. 51: Mr. Doolittle's Amendment: Mr. Wilson's Amendment H. Res. 51: Mr. Doolittle's Amendment The Congressional Globe DROP_PROPOSAL
901578 901555 H. Res. 51: Mr. Sumner's Substitute H. Res. 51 The Congressional Globe DROP_PROPOSAL
866708 866644 S. 61: Mr. Wilson's Third Amendment: Mr. Davis' Amendment S. 61: Mr. Wilson's Third Amendment The Congressional Globe REJECT_PROPOSAL
866685 866651 S. 61: Fifth House Judiciary Committee Amendment: Mr. Davis' Amendment S. 61: Fifth House Judiciary Committee Amendment The Congressional Globe REJECT_PROPOSAL
844560 682049 Resolution on the Contested Election of John P. Stockton: Mr. Clark's Amendment Resolution on the Contested Election of John P. Stockton The Congressional Globe REJECT_PROPOSAL
844571 682049 Resolution on the Contested Election of John P. Stockton: Mr. Clark's Amendment Resolution on the Contested Election of John P. Stockton The Congressional Globe ADOPT_PROPOSAL
863271 844571 Resolution on the Contested Election of John P. Stockton: Mr. Clark's Amendment: Mr. Clark's Modification Resolution on the Contested Election of John P. Stockton: Mr. Clark's Amendment The Congressional Globe ADOPT_PROPOSAL
844574 844571 Resolution on the Contested Election of John P. Stockton: Mr. Clark's Amendment: Mr. Davis' Amendment Resolution on the Contested Election of John P. Stockton: Mr. Clark's Amendment The Congressional Globe; Journal of the Senate of the United States of America, 1865-1867 REJECT_PROPOSAL
899566 899546 S. 292: Mr. Williams' Amendment S. 292 The Congressional Globe; Library of Congress, DROP_PROPOSAL
899641 896842 S. Res. 78: Mr. Stewart's Amendment S. Res. 78 The Congressional Globe; Library of Congress, DROP_PROPOSAL
899640 899546 S. 292: Mr. Stewart's Substitute for S. 292 and S. 293 S. 292 The Congressional Globe; Library of Congress, DROP_PROPOSAL
899710 899546 S. 292: Mr. Sumner's Amendment S. 292 The Congressional Globe; Library of Congress, DROP_PROPOSAL
901102 503095 H. Res. 127: Mr. Howard's Additional Section 3: Mr. Davis' Amendment H. Res. 127: Mr. Howard's Additional Section 3 The Congressional Globe REJECT_PROPOSAL
901108 142837 H. Res. 127: Mr. Clark's Substitute for Sections 4 and 5: Mr. Davis' Amendment H. Res. 127: Mr. Clark's Substitute for Sections 4 and 5 The Congressional Globe REJECT_PROPOSAL
901114 142837 H. Res. 127: Mr. Clark's Substitute for Sections 4 and 5: Mr. Davis' Second Amendment H. Res. 127: Mr. Clark's Substitute for Sections 4 and 5 The Congressional Globe REJECT_PROPOSAL
901130 899386 H. Res. 127: Mr. Johnson's Amendment to Section 1 H. Res. 127 The Congressional Globe REJECT_PROPOSAL
901593 901592 H. Res. 127: Signature of the President pro Tempore H. Res. 127 The Congressional Globe ADOPT_PROPOSAL
870279 870278 S. 1: Senate Committee on the District of Columbia Substitute as Amended in Committee of the Whole: Mr. Pomeroy's Amendment S. 1: Senate Committee on the District of Columbia Substitute as Amended in Committee of the Whole The Congressional Globe ADOPT_PROPOSAL
870344 870330 S. 1: Signature of the President pro tempore S. 1 The Congressional Globe; Journal of the Senate of the United States of America, 1865-1867 ADOPT_PROPOSAL
870371 870353 S. 1: Senate Resolution to Pass S. 1 S. 1 Journal of the House of Representatives of the United States, 1865-1867 ADOPT_PROPOSAL
904247 900015 H. R. 1143: Mr. Williams' Amendment H. R. 1143 The Congressional Globe; Library of Congress, No decision
902267 900286 H. R. 1143: Mr. Norton's Amendment to Strike Out the Preamble H. R. 1143 The Congressional Globe REJECT_PROPOSAL
902270 900286 H. R. 1143: Mr. Buckalew's Amendment H. R. 1143 The Congressional Globe REJECT_PROPOSAL
902274 900286 H. R. 1143: Mr. Doolittle's Amendment H. R. 1143 The Congressional Globe ADOPT_PROPOSAL
902278 902274 H. R. 1143: Mr. Doolittle's Amendment: Mr. Sherman's Amendment H. R. 1143: Mr. Doolittle's Amendment The Congressional Globe No decision
900496 900286 H. R. 1143: Mr. Sherman's Amendment to the Title H. R. 1143 The Congressional Globe ADOPT_PROPOSAL
904089 581703 H. R. 1143: Mr. Wilson's Amendment: Mr. Doolittle's Amendment H. R. 1143: Mr. Wilson's Amendment The Congressional Globe REJECT_PROPOSAL
904103 581703 H. R. 1143: Mr. Wilson's Amendment: Mr. Wilson's Amendment H. R. 1143: Mr. Wilson's Amendment The Congressional Globe REJECT_PROPOSAL
904123 904122 H. R. 1143: Signature of the President pro tempore H. R. 1143 The Congressional Globe NO_OBJECTION
904156 904148 H. R. 1143: Senate Resolution H. R. 1143 Journal of the Senate of the United States of America, 1865-1867 ADOPT_PROPOSAL

Committee: The House of Representatives

Event Id Target Id Proposal Name Target Name Source Dependant Amendments Ultimate Decision Type
128520 128516 Resolution on Rules of the House: Mr. Higby's Amendment Resolution on Rules of the House The Congressional Globe DROP_PROPOSAL
128858 128844 Resolution to Create a Joint Committee on Reconstruction: Mr. Ashley's Amendment Resolution to Create a Joint Committee on Reconstruction The Congressional Globe No decision
129718 129716 Resolution to Grant Claimant W. E. Dodge Privilege of the Floor: Mr. Johnson's Amendment Resolution to Grant Claimant W. E. Dodge Privilege of the Floor The Congressional Globe ADOPT_PROPOSAL
130209 130207 Resolution to Grant Claimant Augustus C. Baldwin Privilege of the Floor: Johnson's Amendment Resolution to Grant Claimant Augustus C. Baldwin Privilege of the Floor The Congressional Globe ADOPT_PROPOSAL
652431 652430 Resolution on Privileges of the Floor: Mr. Stevens' Amendment Resolution on Privileges of the Floor The Congressional Globe ADOPT_PROPOSAL
652435 652430 Resolution on Privileges of the Floor: Mr. Smith's Modification Resolution on Privileges of the Floor The Congressional Globe ADOPT_PROPOSAL
901350 652404 Resolution Endorsing the President's Annual Message and Denying the Right to Secede: Mr. Bingham's Substitute Resolution Endorsing the President's Annual Message and Denying the Right to Secede The Congressional Globe No decision
840025 839520 Instructions to the Committee on the Judiciary to Amend H. R. 1: Mr. Schenck's Amendment Instructions to the Committee on the Judiciary to Amend H. R. 1 The Congressional Globe ADOPT_PROPOSAL
738959 663285 H. Res. 51: Notice of Mr. Sloan's Amendment H. Res. 51 The Congressional Globe No decision
738975 663285 H. Res. 51: Mr. Stevens' Amendment H. Res. 51 The Congressional Globe No decision
738979 663285 H. Res. 51: Notice of Mr. Kelley's Amendment H. Res. 51 The Congressional Globe DROP_PROPOSAL
738982 663285 H. Res. 51: Mr. Kelley's Substitute H. Res. 51 The Congressional Globe No decision
871057 738982 H. Res. 51: Mr. Kelley's Substitute: Notice of Mr. Brooks' Amendment H. Res. 51: Mr. Kelley's Substitute The Congressional Globe DROP_PROPOSAL
871054 738982 H. Res. 51: Mr. Kelley's Substitute: Mr. Orth's Amendment H. Res. 51: Mr. Kelley's Substitute The Congressional Globe No decision
871065 738982 H. Res. 51: Mr. Kelley's Substitute: Mr. Le Blond's Amendment H. Res. 51: Mr. Kelley's Substitute The Congressional Globe No decision
888983 663285 H. Res. 51: Mr. Ingersoll's Amendment H. Res. 51 The Congressional Globe DROP_PROPOSAL
888986 738982 H. Res. 51: Mr. Kelley's Substitute: Mr. Ingersoll's Substitute H. Res. 51: Mr. Kelley's Substitute The Congressional Globe; Journal of the House of Representatives of the United States, 1865-1867 No decision
888998 663285 H. Res. 51: Reading of Mr. Shellabarger's Substitute H. Res. 51 The Congressional Globe DROP_PROPOSAL
889001 871069 Instructions to the Joint Committee on Reconstruction: Mr. Eliot's Amendment Mr. Lawrence's Instructions to the Joint Committee on Reconstruction The Congressional Globe No decision
889007 889001 Instructions to the Joint Committee on Reconstruction: Mr. Eliot's Amendment: Mr. Schenck's Amendment Instructions to the Joint Committee on Reconstruction: Mr. Eliot's Amendment The Congressional Globe No decision
739069 663285 H. Res. 51: Notice of Mr. Broomall's Substitute H. Res. 51 The Congressional Globe No decision
739073 663285 H. Res. 51: Reading of Mr. Ward's Amendment H. Res. 51 The Congressional Globe No decision
739120 739119 H. Res. 51: Mr. Schenck's Substitute H. Res. 51 The Congressional Globe REJECT_PROPOSAL
864285 663603 Resolution on the Contested Election of Baldwin vs. Trowbridge: Minority Substitute Resolution on the Contested Election of Baldwin vs. Trowbridge The Congressional Globe REJECT_PROPOSAL
863880 663160 Resolutions on the Contested Election of Coffroth vs. Koontz: Minority Substitute Resolutions on the Contested Election of Coffroth vs. Koontz The Congressional Globe REJECT_PROPOSAL
864313 677773 Resolutions on the Contested Election of Washburn vs. Voorhees: Minority Substitute Resolutions on the Contested Election of Washburn vs. Voorhees The Congressional Globe REJECT_PROPOSAL
843642 843639 S. 61: Mr. Wilson's First House Judiciary Committee Amendment S. 61 The Congressional Globe ADOPT_PROPOSAL
843644 843639 S. 61: Mr. Wilson's Second House Judiciary Committee Amendment S. 61 The Congressional Globe ADOPT_PROPOSAL
843647 843639 S. 61: Mr. Wilson's First Amendment S. 61 The Congressional Globe ADOPT_PROPOSAL
843650 843639 S. 61: Mr. Wilson's Third House Judiciary Committee Amendment S. 61 The Congressional Globe ADOPT_PROPOSAL
865922 664932 Instructions to the House Committee on the Judiciary to Amend S. 61: Mr. Hill's Instructions Instructions to the House Committee on the Judiciary to Amend S. 61 The Congressional Globe No decision
664987 664932 Instructions to the House Committee on the Judiciary to Amend S. 61: Mr. Dumont's Instructions Instructions to the House Committee on the Judiciary to Amend S. 61 The Congressional Globe No decision
664989 664932 Instructions to the House Committee on the Judiciary to Amend S. 61: Mr. Miller's Instructions Instructions to the House Committee on the Judiciary to Amend S. 61 The Congressional Globe No decision
843659 843639 S. 61: Mr. Wilson's Second Amendment S. 61 The Congressional Globe ADOPT_PROPOSAL
843661 843639 S. 61: Mr. Wilson's Third Amendment S. 61 The Congressional Globe ADOPT_PROPOSAL
843663 843639 S. 61: Mr. Wilson's Fourth Amendment S. 61 The Congressional Globe ADOPT_PROPOSAL
843665 843639 S. 61: Mr. Wilson's Fifth Amendment S. 61 The Congressional Globe; Journal of the House of Representatives of the United States, 1865-1867 POSTPONE_DEBATE
901582 843639 S. 61: Mr. Latham's Substitute S. 61 The Congressional Globe; The Congressional Globe No decision
664961 664932 Instructions to the House Committee on the Judiciary to Amend S. 61: Mr. Bingham's Instructions Instructions to the House Committee on the Judiciary to Amend S. 61 The Congressional Globe No decision
843680 843639 S. 61: Mr. Wilson's Sixth Amendment S. 61 The Congressional Globe No decision
860380 664932 Instructions to the House Committee on the Judiciary to Amend S. 61: Mr. Bingham's Second Set of Instructions Instructions to the House Committee on the Judiciary to Amend S. 61 The Congressional Globe No decision
861530 843723 S. 61: Mr. LeBlond's Amendment to the Title S. 61 The Congressional Globe DROP_PROPOSAL
866753 866744 Appointment of the Joint Committee on Enrolled Bills (House): Appointment of Mr. Trowbridge Appointment of the Joint Committee on Enrolled Bills (House) The Congressional Globe ADOPT_PROPOSAL
864561 665670 Resolutions on Rebel Debt: Mr. Rogers' Modification Resolutions on Rebel Debt The Congressional Globe ADOPT_PROPOSAL
863545 680441 Resolutions on the Contested Election of Dodge vs. Brooks: Minority Substitute Resolutions on the Contested Election of Dodge vs. Brooks The Congressional Globe; Journal of the House of Representatives of the United States, 1865-1867 REJECT_PROPOSAL
863556 863545 Resolutions on the Contested Election of Dodge vs. Brooks: Minority Substitute: Mr. Garfield's Amendment Resolutions on the Contested Election of Dodge vs. Brooks: Minority Substitute The Congressional Globe; Journal of the House of Representatives of the United States, 1865-1867 REJECT_PROPOSAL
863817 863556 Resolutions on the Contested Election of Dodge vs. Brooks: Minority Substitute: Mr. Garfield's Amendment: Mr. Garfield's Modification Resolutions on the Contested Election of Dodge vs. Brooks: Minority Substitute: Mr. Garfield's Amendment The Congressional Globe; Journal of the House of Representatives of the United States, 1865-1867 ADOPT_PROPOSAL
863557 863556 Resolutions on the Contested Election of Dodge vs. Brooks: Minority Substitute: Mr. Garfield's Amendment: Mr. Paine's Substitute Resolutions on the Contested Election of Dodge vs. Brooks: Minority Substitute: Mr. Garfield's Amendment The Congressional Globe; Journal of the House of Representatives of the United States, 1865-1867 ADOPT_PROPOSAL
899757 899732 H. R. 543: Mr. Boutwell's Amendment H. R. 543 The Congressional Globe; Library of Congress, DROP_PROPOSAL
899766 899732 H. R. 543: Mr. Bingham's Amendment H. R. 543 The Congressional Globe; Library of Congress, DROP_PROPOSAL
896870 896844 H. Res. 127: Notice of Mr. Niblack's Amendment H. Res. 127 The Congressional Globe DROP_PROPOSAL
899772 899732 H. R. 543: Mr. Wilson's Amendment H. R. 543 The Congressional Globe; Library of Congress, DROP_PROPOSAL
899801 896844 H. Res. 127: Mr. Ashley's Amendment H. Res. 127 The Congressional Globe DROP_PROPOSAL
899804 899732 H. R. 543: Mr. Ashley's Amendment H. R. 543 The Congressional Globe No decision
899822 899735 H. R. 544: Mr. Ashley's Amendment H. R. 544 The Congressional Globe DROP_PROPOSAL
899864 899732 H. R. 543: Mr. Kelley's Substitute H. R. 543 The Congressional Globe DROP_PROPOSAL
900092 900089 H. R. 623: Mr. Stevens' Substitute H. R. 623 The Congressional Globe; Journal of the House of Representatives of the United States, 1865-1867, Library of Congress, No decision
901587 901585 H. Res. 127: Signature of the Speaker H. Res. 127 The Congressional Globe ADOPT_PROPOSAL
899922 899732 H. R. 543: Mr. Hale's Amendment H. R. 543 The Congressional Globe No decision
902364 902353 H. R. 790: Mr. Bingham's Substitute for Section 1 H. R. 790 The Congressional Globe No decision
902366 902353 H. R. 790: Mr. Wilson's Substitute for Section 1 H. R. 790 The Congressional Globe No decision
902505 900089 H. R. 623: Mr. Stevens' Amendments H. R. 623 The Congressional Globe No decision
903944 740258 Appointment of the Joint Committee on Reconstruction (House): Appointment of Elijah Hise Appointment of the Joint Committee on Reconstruction (House) The Congressional Globe NO_OBJECTION
870325 870323 S. 1: Signature of the Speaker S. 1 The Congressional Globe ADOPT_PROPOSAL
900095 899732 H. R. 543: Mr. Stevens' Substitute H. R. 543 The Congressional Globe; Journal of the House of Representatives of the United States, 1865-1867, Library of Congress, No decision
900100 900095 H. R. 543: Mr. Stevens' Substitute: Mr. Stevens' Modification H. R. 543: Mr. Stevens' Substitute The Congressional Globe ADOPT_PROPOSAL
900106 900095 H. R. 543: Mr. Stevens' Substitute: Mr. Ashley's Substitute H. R. 543: Mr. Stevens' Substitute The Congressional Globe; Library of Congress, No decision
900108 900095 H. R. 543: Mr. Stevens' Substitute: Mr. Stevens' Second Modification H. R. 543: Mr. Stevens' Substitute The Congressional Globe; Library of Congress, ADOPT_PROPOSAL
870383 870377 S. 1: House Resolution to Pass S. 1 S. 1 The Congressional Globe; Statutes at Large ADOPT_PROPOSAL
903840 903604 H. Res. 228: Mr. Kasson's Modification H. Res. 228 The Congressional Globe ADOPT_PROPOSAL
903845 903604 H. Res. 228: Mr. Thayer's Amendment H. Res. 228 The Congressional Globe ADOPT_PROPOSAL
903876 903845 H. Res. 228: Mr. Thayer's Amendment: Mr. Kasson's Modification H. Res. 228: Mr. Thayer's Amendment The Congressional Globe ADOPT_PROPOSAL
900389 900095 H. R. 543: Mr. Stevens' Substitute: Mr. Miller's Amendment H. R. 543: Mr. Stevens' Substitute The Congressional Globe REJECT_PROPOSAL
900417 900095 H. R. 543: Mr. Stevens' Substitute: Mr. Stevens' Third Modification H. R. 543: Mr. Stevens' Substitute Editorial Decisions; Library of Congress, NO_OBJECTION
900901 900106 H. R. 543: Mr. Stevens' Substitute: Mr. Ashley's Substitute: Mr. Ashley's Modification H. R. 543: Mr. Stevens' Substitute: Mr. Ashley's Substitute Editorial Decisions; Library of Congress, NO_OBJECTION
900906 900095 H. R. 543: Mr. Stevens' Substitute: Mr. Stevens' Fourth Modification H. R. 543: Mr. Stevens' Substitute The Congressional Globe ADOPT_PROPOSAL
900913 900095 H. R. 543: Mr. Stevens' Substitute: Mr. Spalding's Modification H. R. 543: Mr. Stevens' Substitute The Congressional Globe ADOPT_PROPOSAL
900920 900095 H. R. 543: Mr. Stevens' Substitute: Mr. Miller's Second Amendment H. R. 543: Mr. Stevens' Substitute The Congressional Globe DROP_PROPOSAL
900951 900095 H. R. 543: Mr. Stevens' Substitute: Mr. Stevens' Fifth Modification H. R. 543: Mr. Stevens' Substitute The Congressional Globe ADOPT_PROPOSAL
900953 900095 H. R. 543: Mr. Stevens' Substitute: Mr. Eliot's Modification H. R. 543: Mr. Stevens' Substitute The Congressional Globe DROP_PROPOSAL
900957 900095 H. R. 543: Mr. Stevens' Substitute: Mr. Stevens' Sixth Modification H. R. 543: Mr. Stevens' Substitute The Congressional Globe ADOPT_PROPOSAL
900961 900095 H. R. 543: Mr. Stevens' Substitute: Mr. Eliot's Second Modification H. R. 543: Mr. Stevens' Substitute The Congressional Globe ADOPT_PROPOSAL
900976 900095 H. R. 543: Mr. Stevens' Substitute: Mr. Shellabarger's Substitute for Section 6 H. R. 543: Mr. Stevens' Substitute The Congressional Globe ADOPT_PROPOSAL
901723 899941 H. R. 1143: Mr. Bingham's Amendment H. R. 1143 The Congressional Globe DROP_PROPOSAL
901724 899941 H. R. 1143: Mr. Bingham's Second Amendment H. R. 1143 The Congressional Globe DROP_PROPOSAL
901725 899941 H. R. 1143: Mr. Bingham's Third Amendment H. R. 1143 The Congressional Globe DROP_PROPOSAL
901733 899941 H. R. 1143: Mr. Lawrence's Amendments H. R. 1143 The Congressional Globe; Library of Congress, DROP_PROPOSAL
901742 899941 H. R. 1143: Mr. Lynch's Amendment H. R. 1143 The Congressional Globe DROP_PROPOSAL
901756 899941 H. R. 1143: Mr. Trimble's Amendment H. R. 1143 The Congressional Globe; The Congressional Globe DROP_PROPOSAL
899979 899941 H. R. 1143: Mr. Schenck's Verbal Alteration H. R. 1143 The Congressional Globe No decision
901776 899941 H. R. 1143: Mr. Kasson's Substitute H. R. 1143 The Congressional Globe; Library of Congress, No decision
901784 899941 H. R. 1143: Mr. Ashley's Amendment H. R. 1143 The Congressional Globe; Library of Congress, No decision
901800 899941 H. R. 1143: Mr. Banks' Substitute H. R. 1143 The Congressional Globe; Library of Congress, No decision
901802 899941 H. R. 1143: Mr. Hawkins' Substitute H. R. 1143 The Congressional Globe; Library of Congress, No decision
901807 899941 H. R. 1143: Mr. Bingham's Fourth Amendment H. R. 1143 The Congressional Globe; Library of Congress, No decision
901808 901807 H. R. 1143: Mr. Bingham's Fourth Amendment: Mr. Blaine's Amendment H. R. 1143: Mr. Bingham's Fourth Amendment The Congressional Globe; Library of Congress, No decision
901831 901807 H. R. 1143: Mr. Bingham's Fourth Amendment: Mr. Boutwell's Amendment H. R. 1143: Mr. Bingham's Fourth Amendment Journal of the House of Representatives of the United States, 1865-1867; Library of Congress, No decision
899996 899941 H. R. 1143: Mr. Stevens' Substitute H. R. 1143 The Congressional Globe No decision
899999 899996 H. R. 1143: Mr. Stevens' Substitute: Mr. Stevens' Modification H. R. 1143: Mr. Stevens' Substitute The Congressional Globe ADOPT_PROPOSAL
901884 901807 H. R. 1143: Mr. Bingham's Fourth Amendment: Mr. Bingham's Modification H. R. 1143: Mr. Bingham's Fourth Amendment The Congressional Globe ADOPT_PROPOSAL
901888 901807 H. R. 1143: Mr. Bingham's Fourth Amendment: Mr. Bingham's Acceptance of Mr. Blaine's Wording H. R. 1143: Mr. Bingham's Fourth Amendment The Congressional Globe ADOPT_PROPOSAL
901901 899996 H. R. 1143: Mr. Stevens' Substitute: Mr. Blaine's Instructions to the Committee on the Judiciary H. R. 1143: Mr. Stevens' Substitute The Congressional Globe No decision
903696 482697 H. R. 1143: Mr. Wilson's Amendment H. R. 1143: Mr. Doolittle's Amendment The Congressional Globe No decision
903760 903696 H. R. 1143: Mr. Wilson's Amendment: Mr. Shellabarger's Amendment H. R. 1143: Mr. Wilson's Amendment The Congressional Globe ADOPT_PROPOSAL
904116 904110 H. R. 1143: Signature of the Speaker H. R. 1143 The Congressional Globe NO_OBJECTION
904146 904133 H. R. 1143: House Resolution H. R. 1143 Journal of the House of Representatives of the United States, 1865-1867 ADOPT_PROPOSAL

Committee: Senate Committee on the Judiciary

Event Id Target Id Proposal Name Target Name Source Dependant Amendments Ultimate Decision Type
843479 130472 S. 61: First Senate Judiciary Committee Amendment S. 61 Minutes of the Senate Judiciary Committee, 39th-40th Congress, 1st Session: Minutes; The Congressional Globe, Library of Congress, No decision
843480 130472 S. 61: Second Senate Judiciary Committee Amendment S. 61 Minutes of the Senate Judiciary Committee, 39th-40th Congress, 1st Session: Minutes; The Congressional Globe, Library of Congress, No decision
843482 130472 S. 61: Third Senate Judiciary Committee Amendment S. 61 Minutes of the Senate Judiciary Committee, 39th-40th Congress, 1st Session: Minutes; The Congressional Globe, Library of Congress, No decision
843484 130472 S. 61: Fourth Senate Judiciary Committee Amendment S. 61 Minutes of the Senate Judiciary Committee, 39th-40th Congress, 1st Session: Minutes; The Congressional Globe, Library of Congress, No decision
843486 130472 S. 61: Fifth Senate Judiciary Committee Amendment S. 61 Minutes of the Senate Judiciary Committee, 39th-40th Congress, 1st Session: Minutes; The Congressional Globe, Library of Congress, No decision
843488 130472 S. 61: Sixth Senate Judiciary Committee Amendment S. 61 Minutes of the Senate Judiciary Committee, 39th-40th Congress, 1st Session: Minutes; The Congressional Globe, Library of Congress, No decision
843490 130472 S. 61: Seventh Senate Judiciary Committee Amendment S. 61 Minutes of the Senate Judiciary Committee, 39th-40th Congress, 1st Session: Minutes; The Congressional Globe, Library of Congress, No decision

Committee: House Committee on the Judiciary

Event Id Target Id Proposal Name Target Name Source Dependant Amendments Ultimate Decision Type
839345 839202 H. R. 1: House Judiciary Committee Amendment H. R. 1 House Judiciary Committee Minutes, 38th Congress, first session, to 40th Congress, first session ADOPT_PROPOSAL
898906 839482 H. Res. 9: House Judiciary Committee Amendment H. Res. 9 House Judiciary Committee Minutes, 38th Congress, first session, to 40th Congress, first session; The Congressional Globe No decision
868883 843691 S. 61: Mr. Wilson's First Amendment: Mr. Wilson's Correction S. 61 Editorial Decisions ADOPT_PROPOSAL
843692 843691 S. 61: First House Judiciary Committee Amendment S. 61 National Archives Center for Legislative Archives; The Congressional Globe No decision
843697 843691 S. 61: Second House Judiciary Committee Amendment S. 61 National Archives Center for Legislative Archives; The Congressional Globe No decision
843700 843691 S. 61: Third House Judiciary Committee Amendment S. 61 National Archives Center for Legislative Archives; The Congressional Globe No decision
843709 843691 S. 61: Fourth House Judiciary Committee Amendment S. 61 National Archives Center for Legislative Archives; The Congressional Globe No decision
843713 843691 S. 61: Fifth House Judiciary Committee Amendment S. 61 National Archives Center for Legislative Archives; The Congressional Globe No decision
843111 842498 H. Res. 43: First House Judiciary Committee Amendment H. Res. 43 Editorial Decisions; Reports of Committees of the House of Representatives , National Archives Center for Legislative Archives No decision
843117 842498 H. Res. 43: Second House Judiciary Committee Amendment H. Res. 43 Editorial Decisions; Reports of Committees of the House of Representatives , National Archives Center for Legislative Archives No decision
843122 842498 H. Res. 43: Third House Judiciary Committee Amendment H. Res. 43 Editorial Decisions; Reports of Committees of the House of Representatives , National Archives Center for Legislative Archives No decision
843082 843067 H. R. No. 437: Committee Substitute H. R. 437 House Judiciary Committee Minutes, 38th Congress, first session, to 40th Congress, first session; Library of Congress, ADOPT_PROPOSAL

Committee: House Committee of Elections

Event Id Target Id Proposal Name Target Name Source Dependant Amendments Ultimate Decision Type

Committee: Joint Committee of Fifteen on Reconstruction: Sub-Committee on the Powers of Congress

Event Id Target Id Proposal Name Target Name Source Dependant Amendments Ultimate Decision Type
899097 132165 Article C: Sub-Committee on the Powers of Congress Amendment Article C Editorial Decisions ADOPT_PROPOSAL

Committee: Joint Committee of Fifteen on Reconstruction: Sub-Committee on Apportionment of Representation and Constitutional Amendment

Event Id Target Id Proposal Name Target Name Source Dependant Amendments Ultimate Decision Type

Committee: Senate Committee of the Whole

Event Id Target Id Proposal Name Target Name Source Dependant Amendments Ultimate Decision Type
867715 867657 S. 1: Mr. Morrill's Additional Sections S. 1 The Congressional Globe; Reports of Committees of the Senate No decision
869243 869239 S. 1: Senate Committee on the District of Columbia Substitute: Mr. Morrill's Amendment S. 1: Senate Committee on the District of Columbia Substitute The Congressional Globe ADOPT_PROPOSAL
843539 843523 S. 61: Mr. Trumbull's Amendment S. 61 The Congressional Globe DROP_PROPOSAL
843546 843523 S. 61: Mr. Trumbull's Modified Amendment S. 61 The Congressional Globe ADOPT_PROPOSAL
843548 843546 S. 61: Mr. Trumbull's Modified Amendment: Mr. Lane's Amendment S. 61: Mr. Trumbull's Modified Amendment The Congressional Globe DROP_PROPOSAL
843553 843546 S. 61: Mr. Trumbull's Modified Amendment: Mr. Lane's Modified Amendment S. 61: Mr. Trumbull's Modified Amendment The Congressional Globe REJECT_PROPOSAL
843559 843546 S. 61: Mr. Trumbull's Modified Amendment: Mr. Pomeroy's Amendment S. 61: Mr. Trumbull's Modified Amendment The Congressional Globe DROP_PROPOSAL
843562 843546 S. 61: Mr. Trumbull's Modified Amendment: Mr. Trumbull's Further Modification S. 61: Mr. Trumbull's Modified Amendment The Congressional Globe ADOPT_PROPOSAL
843569 843546 S. 61: Mr. Trumbull's Modified Amendment: Mr. Henderson's Amendment S. 61: Mr. Trumbull's Modified Amendment The Congressional Globe REJECT_PROPOSAL
843571 843569 S. 61: Mr. Trumbull's Modified Amendment: Mr. Henderson's Amendment: Mr. Trumbull's Modification S. 61: Mr. Trumbull's Modified Amendment: Mr. Henderson's Amendment The Congressional Globe ADOPT_PROPOSAL
843578 843523 S. 61: Mr. Davis' Substitute S. 61 The Congressional Globe REJECT_PROPOSAL
843582 843523 S. 61: Mr. Hendricks' Amendment S. 61 The Congressional Globe REJECT_PROPOSAL
843591 843523 S. 61: Mr. Saulsbury's Amendment S. 61 The Congressional Globe REJECT_PROPOSAL
843594 843523 S. 61: Mr. Norton's Amendment S. 61 The Congressional Globe ADOPT_PROPOSAL
901334 739131 H. Res. 51: Mr. Doolittle's Amendment H. Res. 51 The Congressional Globe DROP_PROPOSAL
739136 739131 H. Res. 51: Mr. Sumner's Counter-Proposition H. Res. 51 The Congressional Globe REJECT_PROPOSAL
739145 739136 H. Res. 51: Mr. Sumner's Counter-Proposition: Mr. Henderson's Amendment H. Res. 51: Mr. Sumner's Counter-Proposition The Congressional Globe REJECT_PROPOSAL
739161 739131 H. Res. 51: Mr. Sumner's Amendment H. Res. 51 The Congressional Globe DROP_PROPOSAL
901514 739131 H. Res. 51: Mr. Howard's Amendment H. Res. 51 The Congressional Globe DROP_PROPOSAL
739274 739136 H. Res. 51: Mr. Sumner's Counter-Proposition: Mr. Clark's Amendment H. Res. 51: Mr. Sumner's Counter-Proposition The Congressional Globe DROP_PROPOSAL
739278 739136 H. Res. 51: Mr. Sumner's Counter-Proposition: Mr. Sumner's Modification H. Res. 51: Mr. Sumner's Counter-Proposition The Congressional Globe ADOPT_PROPOSAL
739284 739131 H. Res. 51: Mr. Yates' Amendment H. Res. 51 The Congressional Globe REJECT_PROPOSAL
739287 739131 H. Res. 51: Mr. Clark's Amendment H. Res. 51 The Congressional Globe ADOPT_PROPOSAL
901548 901334 H. Res. 51: Mr. Doolittle's Amendment: Mr. Doolittle's Modification H. Res. 51: Mr. Doolittle's Amendment The Congressional Globe ADOPT_PROPOSAL
739296 739131 H. Res. 51: Mr. Davis' Amendment H. Res. 51 The Congressional Globe REJECT_PROPOSAL
739299 739131 H. Res. 51: Mr. Sumner's Second Amendment H. Res. 51 The Congressional Globe REJECT_PROPOSAL
739304 739131 H. Res. 51: Mr. Sumner's Third Amendment H. Res. 51 The Congressional Globe REJECT_PROPOSAL
897070 897067 H. Res. 127: Mr. Clark's Substitute for Section 3 H. Res. 127 The Congressional Globe DROP_PROPOSAL
897074 897067 H. Res. 127: Mr. Wade's Substitute H. Res. 127 The Congressional Globe DROP_PROPOSAL
897081 897067 H. Res. 127: Mr. Wilson's Substitute for Section 2 H. Res. 127 The Congressional Globe No decision
897083 897067 H. Res. 127: Mr. Wilson's Substitute for Section 3 H. Res. 127 The Congressional Globe No decision
897090 897070 H. Res. 127: Mr. Clark's Substitute for Section 3: Mr. Clark's Modification H. Res. 127: Mr. Clark's Substitute for Section 3 The Congressional Globe ADOPT_PROPOSAL
897093 897067 H. Res. 127: Mr. Clark's Substitute for Section 4 H. Res. 127 The Congressional Globe No decision
897098 897067 H. Res. 127: Mr. Buckalew's Additional Section H. Res. 127 The Congressional Globe No decision
897111 897067 H. Res. 127: Mr. Johnson's Amendment to Strike Out Section 3 H. Res. 127 The Congressional Globe ADOPT_PROPOSAL
897115 897067 H. Res. 127: Mr. Sherman's Substitute for Sections 2 and 3 H. Res. 127 The Congressional Globe DROP_PROPOSAL
897139 897067 H. Res. 127: Mr. Howard's Amendment to Section 1 H. Res. 127 The Congressional Globe ADOPT_PROPOSAL
897142 897067 H. Res. 127: Mr. Howard's Amendment to Section 2 H. Res. 127 The Congressional Globe DROP_PROPOSAL
897145 897067 H. Res. 127: Mr. Howard's Additional Section 3 H. Res. 127 The Congressional Globe ADOPT_PROPOSAL
897148 897067 H. Res. 127: Mr. Howard's Additional Section 4 H. Res. 127 The Congressional Globe ADOPT_PROPOSAL
897149 897067 H. Res. 127: Mr. Howard's Amendment to Section 5 H. Res. 127 The Congressional Globe ADOPT_PROPOSAL
898282 897139 H. Res. 127: Mr. Howard's Amendment to Section 1: Mr. Doolittle's Amendment H. Res. 127: Mr. Howard's Amendment to Section 1 The Congressional Globe REJECT_PROPOSAL
898285 897139 H. Res. 127: Mr. Howard's Amendment to Section 1: Mr. Howard's Correction H. Res. 127: Mr. Howard's Amendment to Section 1 The Congressional Globe ADOPT_PROPOSAL
898327 897067 H. Res. 127: Mr. Howard's Amendment to Section 2: First Divided Amendment H. Res. 127 Editorial Decisions ADOPT_PROPOSAL
898330 897067 H. Res. 127: Mr. Howard's Amendment to Section 2: Second Divided Amendment H. Res. 127 The Congressional Globe ADOPT_PROPOSAL
898317 897145 H. Res. 127: Mr. Howard's Additional Section 3: Printers' Change H. Res. 127: Mr. Howard's Additional Section 3 The Congressional Globe ADOPT_PROPOSAL
898320 897145 H. Res. 127: Mr. Howard's Additional Section 3: Mr. Hendricks' Amendment H. Res. 127: Mr. Howard's Additional Section 3 The Congressional Globe REJECT_PROPOSAL
898346 897145 H. Res. 127: Mr. Howard's Additional Section 3: Mr. Johnson's Amendment H. Res. 127: Mr. Howard's Additional Section 3 The Congressional Globe REJECT_PROPOSAL
898352 897145 H. Res. 127: Mr. Howard's Additional Section 3: Mr. Johnson's Second Amendment H. Res. 127: Mr. Howard's Additional Section 3 The Congressional Globe REJECT_PROPOSAL
898355 897145 H. Res. 127: Mr. Howard's Additional Section 3: Mr. Saulsbury's Amendment H. Res. 127: Mr. Howard's Additional Section 3 The Congressional Globe REJECT_PROPOSAL
898367 897145 H. Res. 127: Mr. Howard's Additional Section 3: Mr. Doolittle's Amendment H. Res. 127: Mr. Howard's Additional Section 3 The Congressional Globe REJECT_PROPOSAL
898368 897145 H. Res. 127: Mr. Howard's Additional Section 3: Mr. Doolittle's Second Amendment H. Res. 127: Mr. Howard's Additional Section 3 The Congressional Globe REJECT_PROPOSAL
898381 898368 H. Res. 127: Mr. Howard's Additional Section 3: Mr. Doolittle's Second Amendment: Mr. Doolittle's Modification H. Res. 127: Mr. Howard's Additional Section 3: Mr. Doolittle's Second Amendment The Congressional Globe ADOPT_PROPOSAL
898393 898368 H. Res. 127: Mr. Howard's Additional Section 3: Mr. Doolittle's Second Amendment: Mr. Johnson's Amendment H. Res. 127: Mr. Howard's Additional Section 3: Mr. Doolittle's Second Amendment The Congressional Globe DROP_PROPOSAL
898443 897067 H. Res. 127: Mr. Hendricks' Amendment to Section 2 H. Res. 127 The Congressional Globe REJECT_PROPOSAL
898413 897149 H. Res. 127: Mr. Howard's Amendment to Section 5: Mr. Howard's Amendment H. Res. 127: Mr. Howard's Amendment to Section 5 The Congressional Globe ADOPT_PROPOSAL
898420 897145 H. Res. 127: Mr. Howard's Additional Section 3: Mr. Howard's Verbal Amendment H. Res. 127: Mr. Howard's Additional Section 3 The Congressional Globe No decision
898425 897067 H. Res. 127: Mr. Van Winkle's Additional Section H. Res. 127 The Congressional Globe REJECT_PROPOSAL
898453 897067 H. Res. 127: Mr. Doolittle's Substitute for Section 2 H. Res. 127 The Congressional Globe REJECT_PROPOSAL
898519 897067 H. Res. 127: Mr. Doolittle's Second Substitute for Section 2 H. Res. 127 The Congressional Globe REJECT_PROPOSAL
898525 897067 H. Res. 127: Mr. Williams' Substitute for Section 2 H. Res. 127 The Congressional Globe ADOPT_PROPOSAL
898683 898525 H. Res. 127: Mr. Williams' Substitute for Section 2: Mr. Henderson's Amendment H. Res. 127: Mr. Williams' Substitute for Section 2 The Congressional Globe DROP_PROPOSAL
898701 898525 H. Res. 127: Mr. Williams' Substitute for Section 2: Mr. Williams' Modification H. Res. 127: Mr. Williams' Substitute for Section 2 The Congressional Globe ADOPT_PROPOSAL
898711 897067 H. Res. 127: Mr. Yates' Amendment H. Res. 127 The Congressional Globe DROP_PROPOSAL
898743 898525 H. Res. 127: Mr. Williams' Substitute for Section 2: Mr. Howard's First Amendment H. Res. 127: Mr. Williams' Substitute for Section 2 The Congressional Globe REJECT_PROPOSAL
898744 898525 H. Res. 127: Mr. Williams' Substitute for Section 2: Mr. Howard's Second Amendment H. Res. 127: Mr. Williams' Substitute for Section 2 The Congressional Globe REJECT_PROPOSAL
898764 897067 H. Res. 127: Mr. Clark's Substitute for Sections 4 and 5 H. Res. 127 The Congressional Globe ADOPT_PROPOSAL
898765 898764 H. Res. 127: Mr. Clark's Substitute for Sections 4 and 5: Mr. Clark's Modification H. Res. 127: Mr. Clark's Substitute for Sections 4 and 5 The Congressional Globe ADOPT_PROPOSAL
898770 897067 H. Res. 127: Mr. Fessenden's Amendment to Section 1 H. Res. 127 The Congressional Globe ADOPT_PROPOSAL
898773 897067 H. Res. 127: Mr. Doolittle's Substitute to Separate the Articles H. Res. 127 The Congressional Globe REJECT_PROPOSAL
869251 869243 S. 1: Senate Committee on the District of Columbia Substitute: Mr. Morrill's Amendment: Mr. Morrill's Modification S. 1: Senate Committee on the District of Columbia Substitute: Mr. Morrill's Amendment The Congressional Globe ADOPT_PROPOSAL
869256 869239 S. 1: Senate Committee on the District of Columbia Substitute: Mr. Morrill's Second Amendment S. 1: Senate Committee on the District of Columbia Substitute The Congressional Globe REJECT_PROPOSAL
869258 869256 S. 1: Senate Committee on the District of Columbia Substitute: Mr. Morrill's Second Amendment: Mr. Wilson's Amendment S. 1: Senate Committee on the District of Columbia Substitute: Mr. Morrill's Second Amendment The Congressional Globe DROP_PROPOSAL
869263 869256 S. 1: Senate Committee on the District of Columbia Substitute: Mr. Morrill's Second Amendment: Mr. Morrill's Modification S. 1: Senate Committee on the District of Columbia Substitute: Mr. Morrill's Second Amendment The Congressional Globe ADOPT_PROPOSAL
869275 869239 S. 1: Senate Committee on the District of Columbia Substitute: Mr. Willey's Substitute for Section One S. 1: Senate Committee on the District of Columbia Substitute The Congressional Globe; Library of Congress, REJECT_PROPOSAL
869282 869275 S. 1: Senate Committee on the District of Columbia Substitute: Mr. Willey's Substitute for Section One: Mr. Morrill's Amendment S. 1: Senate Committee on the District of Columbia Substitute: Mr. Willey's Substitute for Section One The Congressional Globe ADOPT_PROPOSAL
869285 869275 S. 1: Senate Committee on the District of Columbia Substitute: Mr. Willey's Substitute for Section One: Mr. Morrill's Second Amendment S. 1: Senate Committee on the District of Columbia Substitute: Mr. Willey's Substitute for Section One The Congressional Globe DROP_PROPOSAL
869287 869285 S. 1: Senate Committee on the District of Columbia Substitute: Mr. Willey's Substitute for Section One: Mr. Morrill's Second Amendment: Mr. Morrill's Modification S. 1: Senate Committee on the District of Columbia Substitute: Mr. Willey's Substitute for Section One: Mr. Morrill's Second Amendment The Congressional Globe ADOPT_PROPOSAL
869294 869275 S. 1: Senate Committee on the District of Columbia Substitute: Mr. Willey's Substitute for Section One: Mr. Anthony's Amendment S. 1: Senate Committee on the District of Columbia Substitute: Mr. Willey's Substitute for Section One The Congressional Globe ADOPT_PROPOSAL
869298 869294 S. 1: Senate Committee on the District of Columbia Substitute: Mr. Willey's Substitute for Section One: Mr. Anthony's Amendment: Mr. Anthony's Modification S. 1: Senate Committee on the District of Columbia Substitute: Mr. Willey's Substitute for Section One: Mr. Anthony's Amendment The Congressional Globe ADOPT_PROPOSAL
869302 869275 S. 1: Senate Committee on the District of Columbia Substitute: Mr. Willey's Substitute for Section One: Mr. Cowan's Amendment S. 1: Senate Committee on the District of Columbia Substitute: Mr. Willey's Substitute for Section One The Congressional Globe DROP_PROPOSAL
869308 869239 S. 1: Senate Committee on the District of Columbia Substitute: Mr. Morrill's Third Amendment S. 1: Senate Committee on the District of Columbia Substitute The Congressional Globe ADOPT_PROPOSAL
869309 869308 S. 1: Senate Committee on the District of Columbia Substitute: Mr. Morrill's Third Amendment: Mr. Wilson's Modification S. 1: Senate Committee on the District of Columbia Substitute: Mr. Morrill's Third Amendment The Congressional Globe REJECT_PROPOSAL
869311 869309 S. 1: Senate Committee on the District of Columbia Substitute: Mr. Morrill's Third Amendment: Mr. Wilson's Modification: Mr. Wilson's Further Modification S. 1: Senate Committee on the District of Columbia Substitute: Mr. Morrill's Third Amendment: Mr. Wilson's Modification The Congressional Globe ADOPT_PROPOSAL
869315 869239 S. 1: Senate Committee on the District of Columbia Substitute: Mr. Wilson's Amendment S. 1: Senate Committee on the District of Columbia Substitute The Congressional Globe ADOPT_PROPOSAL
869316 869315 S. 1: Senate Committee on the District of Columbia Substitute: Mr. Wilson's Amendment: Mr. Pomeroy's Modification S. 1: Senate Committee on the District of Columbia Substitute: Mr. Wilson's Amendment The Congressional Globe DROP_PROPOSAL
869319 869239 S. 1: Senate Committee on the District of Columbia Substitute: Mr. Cowan's Second Amendment S. 1: Senate Committee on the District of Columbia Substitute The Congressional Globe REJECT_PROPOSAL
869344 869239 S. 1: Senate Committee on the District of Columbia Substitute: Mr. Dixon's Amendment S. 1: Senate Committee on the District of Columbia Substitute The Congressional Globe REJECT_PROPOSAL
869364 869239 S. 1: Senate Committee on the District of Columbia Substitute: Mr. Pomeroy's Amendment S. 1: Senate Committee on the District of Columbia Substitute The Congressional Globe DROP_PROPOSAL
869367 869239 S. 1: Senate Committee on the District of Columbia Substitute: Mr. Wilson's Second Amendment S. 1: Senate Committee on the District of Columbia Substitute The Congressional Globe ADOPT_PROPOSAL
869371 869239 S. 1: Senate Committee on the District of Columbia Substitute: Mr. Edmunds' Amendment S. 1: Senate Committee on the District of Columbia Substitute The Congressional Globe ADOPT_PROPOSAL
869373 869371 S. 1: Senate Committee on the District of Columbia Substitute: Mr. Edmunds' Amendment: Mr. Pomeroy's Modification S. 1: Senate Committee on the District of Columbia Substitute: Mr. Edmunds' Amendment The Congressional Globe ADOPT_PROPOSAL
869376 869239 S. 1: Senate Committee on the District of Columbia Substitute: Mr. Morrill's Fourth Amendment S. 1: Senate Committee on the District of Columbia Substitute The Congressional Globe ADOPT_PROPOSAL
869379 869239 S. 1: Senate Committee on the District of Columbia Substitute: Mr. Morrill's Fifth Amendment S. 1: Senate Committee on the District of Columbia Substitute The Congressional Globe ADOPT_PROPOSAL
869383 869239 S. 1: Senate Committee on the District of Columbia Substitute: Mr. Buckalew's Amendment S. 1: Senate Committee on the District of Columbia Substitute The Congressional Globe ADOPT_PROPOSAL
869387 869239 S. 1: Senate Committee on the District of Columbia Substitute: Mr. Buckalew's Second Amendment S. 1: Senate Committee on the District of Columbia Substitute The Congressional Globe ADOPT_PROPOSAL
869390 869239 S. 1: Senate Committee on the District of Columbia Substitute: Mr. Edmunds' Second Amendment S. 1: Senate Committee on the District of Columbia Substitute The Congressional Globe DROP_PROPOSAL
869393 869390 S. 1: Senate Committee on the District of Columbia Substitute: Mr. Edmunds' Second Amendment: Mr. Hendricks' Amendment S. 1: Senate Committee on the District of Columbia Substitute: Mr. Edmunds' Second Amendment The Congressional Globe DROP_PROPOSAL
869398 869390 S. 1: Senate Committee on the District of Columbia Substitute: Mr. Edmunds' Second Amendment: Mr. Howard's Amendment S. 1: Senate Committee on the District of Columbia Substitute: Mr. Edmunds' Second Amendment The Congressional Globe DROP_PROPOSAL
900114 900112 H. R. 1143: Mr. Johnson's Amendment H. R. 1143 The Congressional Globe REJECT_PROPOSAL
900121 900114 H. R. 1143: Mr. Johnson's Amendment: Mr. Wilson's Amendment H. R. 1143: Mr. Johnson's Amendment The Congressional Globe REJECT_PROPOSAL
900133 900114 H. R. 1143: Mr. Johnson's Amendment: Mr. Hendricks' Amendment H. R. 1143: Mr. Johnson's Amendment The Congressional Globe DROP_PROPOSAL
900141 900114 H. R. 1143: Mr. Johnson's Amendment: Mr. Frelinghuysen's Amendment H. R. 1143: Mr. Johnson's Amendment The Congressional Globe ADOPT_PROPOSAL
900146 900114 H. R. 1143: Mr. Johnson's Amendment: Mr. Henderson's Amendment H. R. 1143: Mr. Johnson's Amendment The Congressional Globe ADOPT_PROPOSAL
902098 900112 H. R. 1143: Mr. Brown's Amendment H. R. 1143 The Congressional Globe DROP_PROPOSAL
900157 900114 H. R. 1143: Mr. Johnson's Amendment: Mr. Frelinghuysen's Second Amendment H. R. 1143: Mr. Johnson's Amendment The Congressional Globe ADOPT_PROPOSAL
900160 900114 H. R. 1143: Mr. Johnson's Amendment: Mr. Morrill's Amendment H. R. 1143: Mr. Johnson's Amendment The Congressional Globe ADOPT_PROPOSAL
900162 900160 H. R. 1143: Mr. Johnson's Amendment: Mr. Morrill's Amendment: Modification H. R. 1143: Mr. Johnson's Amendment: Mr. Morrill's Amendment The Congressional Globe ADOPT_PROPOSAL
900165 900160 H. R. 1143: Mr. Johnson's Amendment: Mr. Morrill's Amendment: Mr. Frelinghuysen's Modification H. R. 1143: Mr. Johnson's Amendment: Mr. Morrill's Amendment The Congressional Globe ADOPT_PROPOSAL
900167 900160 H. R. 1143: Mr. Johnson's Amendment: Mr. Morrill's Amendment: Mr. Frelinghuysen's Second Modification H. R. 1143: Mr. Johnson's Amendment: Mr. Morrill's Amendment The Congressional Globe ADOPT_PROPOSAL
900173 900114 H. R. 1143: Mr. Johnson's Amendment: Mr. Sumner's Amendment H. R. 1143: Mr. Johnson's Amendment The Congressional Globe REJECT_PROPOSAL
900175 900173 H. R. 1143: Mr. Johnson's Amendment: Mr. Sumner's Amendment: Mr. Sumner's Modification H. R. 1143: Mr. Johnson's Amendment: Mr. Sumner's Amendment The Congressional Globe ADOPT_PROPOSAL
900183 900173 H. R. 1143: Mr. Johnson's Amendment: Mr. Sumner's Amendment: Mr. Sumner's Second Modification H. R. 1143: Mr. Johnson's Amendment: Mr. Sumner's Amendment The Congressional Globe ADOPT_PROPOSAL
902159 900112 H. R. 1143: Mr. Henderson's Substitute H. R. 1143 The Congressional Globe; Library of Congress, REJECT_PROPOSAL
902182 900114 H. R. 1143: Mr. Johnson's Amendment: Mr. McDougall's Amendment H. R. 1143: Mr. Johnson's Amendment The Congressional Globe; Library of Congress, No decision
900220 900112 H. R. 1143: Mr. Sherman's Substitute H. R. 1143 The Congressional Globe; Library of Congress, ADOPT_PROPOSAL
902206 900112 H. R. 1143: Mr. Sherman's Amendment to the Preamble H. R. 1143 The Congressional Globe; Library of Congress, ADOPT_PROPOSAL
902201 900220 H. R. 1143: Mr. Sherman's Substitute: Mr. Sherman's Modification H. R. 1143: Mr. Sherman's Substitute The Congressional Globe ADOPT_PROPOSAL
900223 900220 H. R. 1143: Mr. Sherman's Substitute: Mr. Buckalew's Amendment H. R. 1143: Mr. Sherman's Substitute The Congressional Globe REPORT_PROPOSAL
900226 900220 H. R. 1143: Mr. Sherman's Substitute: Mr. Hendricks' Amendment H. R. 1143: Mr. Sherman's Substitute The Congressional Globe REJECT_PROPOSAL
900241 900220 H. R. 1143: Mr. Sherman's Substitute: Mr. Hendricks' Second Amendment H. R. 1143: Mr. Sherman's Substitute The Congressional Globe REJECT_PROPOSAL
900244 900220 H. R. 1143: Mr. Sherman's Substitute: Mr. Hendricks' Third Amendment H. R. 1143: Mr. Sherman's Substitute The Congressional Globe REJECT_PROPOSAL
900251 900220 H. R. 1143: Mr. Sherman's Substitute: Mr. Hendricks' Fourth Amendment H. R. 1143: Mr. Sherman's Substitute The Congressional Globe REJECT_PROPOSAL
900256 900220 H. R. 1143: Mr. Sherman's Substitute: Mr. Hendricks' Fifth Amendment H. R. 1143: Mr. Sherman's Substitute The Congressional Globe DROP_PROPOSAL
902214 900220 H. R. 1143: Mr. Sherman's Substitute: Mr. Norton's Amendment H. R. 1143: Mr. Sherman's Substitute The Congressional Globe DROP_PROPOSAL
900267 900220 H. R. 1143: Mr. Sherman's Substitute: Mr. Norton's Second Amendment H. R. 1143: Mr. Sherman's Substitute The Congressional Globe REJECT_PROPOSAL
900276 900112 H. R. 1143: Mr. McDougall's Amendment H. R. 1143 The Congressional Globe REJECT_PROPOSAL

Committee: Joint Committee of Fifteen on Reconstruction: Sub-Committee on Tennessee

Event Id Target Id Proposal Name Target Name Source Dependant Amendments Ultimate Decision Type

Committee: Joint Committee of Fifteen on Reconstruction: Sub-Committee on Virginia, North Carolina and South Carolina

Event Id Target Id Proposal Name Target Name Source Dependant Amendments Ultimate Decision Type

Committee: Joint Committee of Fifteen on Reconstruction: Sub-Committee on Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi, and Arkansas

Event Id Target Id Proposal Name Target Name Source Dependant Amendments Ultimate Decision Type

Committee: Joint Committee of Fifteen on Reconstruction: Sub-Committee on Louisiana, Florida and Texas

Event Id Target Id Proposal Name Target Name Source Dependant Amendments Ultimate Decision Type

Committee: Senate Committee on the District of Columbia

Event Id Target Id Proposal Name Target Name Source Dependant Amendments Ultimate Decision Type
867622 867614 S. 1: First Senate Committee on the District of Columbia Amendment S. 1 Editorial Decisions; Library of Congress,, The Congressional Globe No decision
867624 867614 S. 1: Second Senate Committee on the District of Columbia Amendment S. 1 Editorial Decisions; Library of Congress,, The Congressional Globe No decision
867626 867614 S. 1: Third Senate Committee on the District of Columbia Amendment S. 1 Editorial Decisions; Library of Congress,, The Congressional Globe No decision
867628 867614 S. 1: Fourth Senate Committee on the District of Columbia Amendment S. 1 Editorial Decisions; Library of Congress,, The Congressional Globe No decision
867631 867614 S. 1: Fifth Senate Committee on the District of Columbia Amendment S. 1 Editorial Decisions; Library of Congress,, The Congressional Globe No decision
867719 867716 S. 1: Senate Committee on the District of Columbia Substitute S. 1 Editorial Decisions; Library of Congress, No decision

Committee: President Andrew Johnson

Event Id Target Id Proposal Name Target Name Source Dependant Amendments Ultimate Decision Type

Committee: Joint Committee on Enrolled Bills

Event Id Target Id Proposal Name Target Name Source Dependant Amendments Ultimate Decision Type
870311 870302 S. 1: Enrollment S. 1 Editorial Decisions; Statutes at Large ADOPT_PROPOSAL
904120 904108 H. R. 1143: Enrollment H. R. 1143 Editorial Decisions; Statutes at Large ADOPT_PROPOSAL

Committee: Committee of the Whole on the State of the Union of the House of Representatives

Event Id Target Id Proposal Name Target Name Source Dependant Amendments Ultimate Decision Type
898777 898769 Resolutions on Distributing the President's Annual Address: Mr. Steven's Amendment Resolutions on Distributing the President's Annual Address The Congressional Globe ADOPT_PROPOSAL