Event Id | Target Id | Proposal Name | Target Name | Source | Dependant Amendments | Ultimate Decision Type |
129038 | 129037 | Mr. Stevens' Constitutional Amendment: Mr. Conkling's Amendment | Mr. Stevens' Constitutional Amendment | Journal of the Joint Committee of Fifteen on Reconstruction | ADOPT_PROPOSAL | |
129040 | 129037 | Mr. Stevens' Constitutional Amendment: Mr. Morrill's Amendment | Mr. Stevens' Constitutional Amendment | Journal of the Joint Committee of Fifteen on Reconstruction | REJECT_PROPOSAL | |
129049 | 129037 | Mr. Stevens' Constitutional Amendment: Mr. Williams' Amendment | Mr. Stevens' Constitutional Amendment | Journal of the Joint Committee of Fifteen on Reconstruction | DROP_PROPOSAL | |
129144 | 129037 | Mr. Stevens' Constitutional Amendment: Mr. Morrill's Substitute | Mr. Stevens' Constitutional Amendment | Journal of the Joint Committee of Fifteen on Reconstruction | No decision | |
129545 | 129037 | Mr. Stevens' Constitutional Amendment: Mr. Williams' Substitute | Mr. Stevens' Constitutional Amendment | Journal of the Joint Committee of Fifteen on Reconstruction | No decision | |
129546 | 129037 | Mr. Stevens' Constitutional Amendment: Mr. Conkling's Substitute | Mr. Stevens' Constitutional Amendment | Journal of the Joint Committee of Fifteen on Reconstruction | No decision | |
129548 | 129037 | Mr. Stevens' Constitutional Amendment: Mr. Boutwell's Substitute | Mr. Stevens' Constitutional Amendment | Journal of the Joint Committee of Fifteen on Reconstruction | No decision | |
129555 | 129553 | Mr. Bingham's Resolution on Amending the Joint Resolution: Mr. Johnson's Substitute | Resolution on Amending the Joint Resolution | Journal of the Joint Committee of Fifteen on Reconstruction | ADOPT_PROPOSAL | |
870997 | 870996 | Article B: Mr. Stevens' Amendment | Article B | Journal of the Joint Committee of Fifteen on Reconstruction | DROP_PROPOSAL | |
870999 | 870996 | Article B: Mr. Conkling's Amendment | Article B | Journal of the Joint Committee of Fifteen on Reconstruction | ADOPT_PROPOSAL | |
871000 | 870996 | Article B: Mr. Morrill's Amendment | Article B | Journal of the Joint Committee of Fifteen on Reconstruction | ADOPT_PROPOSAL | |
131976 | 129835 | Article C: Mr. Howard's Amendment | Article C | Journal of the Joint Committee of Fifteen on Reconstruction | REJECT_PROPOSAL | |
132152 | 129835 | Article C: Mr. Boutwell's Amendment | Article C | Journal of the Joint Committee of Fifteen on Reconstruction | REJECT_PROPOSAL | |
899106 | 899104 | Article C: Mr. Fessenden's Amendment | Article C | Journal of the Joint Committee of Fifteen on Reconstruction | ADOPT_PROPOSAL | |
899109 | 899104 | Article C: Mr. Johnson's First Amendment | Article C | Journal of the Joint Committee of Fifteen on Reconstruction | ADOPT_PROPOSAL | |
899111 | 899104 | Article C: Mr. Johnson's Second Amendment | Article C | Journal of the Joint Committee of Fifteen on Reconstruction | ADOPT_PROPOSAL | |
899113 | 899104 | Article C: Mr. Johnson's Third Amendment | Article C | Journal of the Joint Committee of Fifteen on Reconstruction | REJECT_PROPOSAL | |
739114 | 739113 | H. Res. 51: Mr. Stevens' Amendment | H. Res. 51 | Journal of the Joint Committee of Fifteen on Reconstruction | ADOPT_PROPOSAL | |
739116 | 739113 | H. Res. 51: Mr. Johnson's Amendment | H. Res. 51 | Journal of the Joint Committee of Fifteen on Reconstruction | REJECT_PROPOSAL | |
899118 | 899104 | Article C: Mr. Bingham's Substitute | Article C | Journal of the Joint Committee of Fifteen on Reconstruction | ADOPT_PROPOSAL | |
896629 | 896621 | Plan of Reconstruction [As Considered by Sections]: Section 1 | Plan of Reconstruction [As Considered by Sections] | Journal of the Joint Committee of Fifteen on Reconstruction | ADOPT_PROPOSAL | |
896630 | 896629 | Plan of Reconstruction [As Considered by Sections]: Section 1: Mr. Bingham's Amendment | Plan of Reconstruction [As Considered by Sections]: Section 1 | Journal of the Joint Committee of Fifteen on Reconstruction | REJECT_PROPOSAL | |
896636 | 896621 | Plan of Reconstruction [As Considered by Sections]: Section 2 | Plan of Reconstruction [As Considered by Sections] | Journal of the Joint Committee of Fifteen on Reconstruction | ADOPT_PROPOSAL | |
896639 | 896621 | Plan of Reconstruction [As Considered by Sections]: Section 3 | Plan of Reconstruction [As Considered by Sections] | Journal of the Joint Committee of Fifteen on Reconstruction | ADOPT_PROPOSAL | |
896640 | 896621 | Plan of Reconstruction [As Considered by Sections]: Section 4 | Plan of Reconstruction [As Considered by Sections] | Journal of the Joint Committee of Fifteen on Reconstruction | ADOPT_PROPOSAL | |
896641 | 896640 | Plan of Reconstruction [As Considered by Sections]: Section 4: Mr. Rogers' Amendment | Plan of Reconstruction [As Considered by Sections]: Section 4 | Journal of the Joint Committee of Fifteen on Reconstruction | REJECT_PROPOSAL | |
896642 | 896640 | Plan of Reconstruction [As Considered by Sections]: Section 4: Mr. Stevens' Amendment | Plan of Reconstruction [As Considered by Sections]: Section 4 | Journal of the Joint Committee of Fifteen on Reconstruction | ADOPT_PROPOSAL | |
896643 | 896621 | Plan of Reconstruction [As Considered by Sections]: Mr. Bingham's Additional Section | Plan of Reconstruction [As Considered by Sections] | Journal of the Joint Committee of Fifteen on Reconstruction | ADOPT_PROPOSAL | |
896646 | 896621 | Plan of Reconstruction [As Considered by Sections]: Section 6 | Plan of Reconstruction [As Considered by Sections] | Journal of the Joint Committee of Fifteen on Reconstruction | ADOPT_PROPOSAL | |
896647 | 896621 | Plan of Reconstruction [As Considered by Sections]: Joint Resolution on the Restoration of States | Plan of Reconstruction [As Considered by Sections] | Journal of the Joint Committee of Fifteen on Reconstruction | No decision | |
896648 | 896647 | Plan of Reconstruction [As Considered by Sections]: Joint Resolution on the Restoration of States: Mr. Morrill's Additional Resolution | Plan of Reconstruction [As Considered by Sections]: Joint Resolution on the Restoration of States | Journal of the Joint Committee of Fifteen on Reconstruction | No decision | |
896650 | 896647 | Plan of Reconstruction [As Considered by Sections]: Joint Resolution on the Restoration of States: Mr. Bingham's Amendment | Plan of Reconstruction [As Considered by Sections]: Joint Resolution on the Restoration of States | Journal of the Joint Committee of Fifteen on Reconstruction | No decision | |
896797 | 896621 | Plan of Reconstruction [As Considered by Sections]: Mr. Stevens' Withdrawal of the Joint Resolution on the Restoration of States | Plan of Reconstruction [As Considered by Sections] | Journal of the Joint Committee of Fifteen on Reconstruction | No decision | |
899399 | 899398 | A Bill to Provide for the Restoration to the States Lately in Insurrection of Their Full Political Rights: Mr. Bingham's Amendment | A Bill to Provide for the Restoration to the States Lately in Insurrection of Their Full Political Rights | Journal of the Joint Committee of Fifteen on Reconstruction | REJECT_PROPOSAL | |
899401 | 899398 | A Bill to Provide for the Restoration to the States Lately in Insurrection of Their Full Political Rights: Mr. Stevens' Amendment | A Bill to Provide for the Restoration to the States Lately in Insurrection of Their Full Political Rights | Journal of the Joint Committee of Fifteen on Reconstruction | ADOPT_PROPOSAL | |
899402 | 899398 | A Bill to Provide for the Restoration to the States Lately in Insurrection of Their Full Political Rights: Mr. Stevens' Second Amendment | A Bill to Provide for the Restoration to the States Lately in Insurrection of Their Full Political Rights | Journal of the Joint Committee of Fifteen on Reconstruction | ADOPT_PROPOSAL | |
899406 | 899398 | A Bill to Provide for the Restoration to the States Lately in Insurrection of Their Full Political Rights: Mr. Williams' Amendment | A Bill to Provide for the Restoration to the States Lately in Insurrection of Their Full Political Rights | Journal of the Joint Committee of Fifteen on Reconstruction | ADOPT_PROPOSAL | |
899408 | 899398 | A Bill to Provide for the Restoration to the States Lately in Insurrection of Their Full Political Rights: Mr. Boutwell's Amendment | A Bill to Provide for the Restoration to the States Lately in Insurrection of Their Full Political Rights | Journal of the Joint Committee of Fifteen on Reconstruction | ADOPT_PROPOSAL | |
899410 | 899398 | A Bill to Provide for the Restoration to the States Lately in Insurrection of Their Full Political Rights: Mr. Boutwell's Second Amendment | A Bill to Provide for the Restoration to the States Lately in Insurrection of Their Full Political Rights | Journal of the Joint Committee of Fifteen on Reconstruction | ADOPT_PROPOSAL | |
899412 | 899398 | A Bill to Provide for the Restoration to the States Lately in Insurrection of Their Full Political Rights: Mr. Morrill's Additional Section | A Bill to Provide for the Restoration to the States Lately in Insurrection of Their Full Political Rights | Journal of the Joint Committee of Fifteen on Reconstruction | ADOPT_PROPOSAL | |
899415 | 899398 | A Bill to Provide for the Restoration to the States Lately in Insurrection of Their Full Political Rights: Mr. Conkling's Amendment | A Bill to Provide for the Restoration to the States Lately in Insurrection of Their Full Political Rights | Journal of the Joint Committee of Fifteen on Reconstruction | ADOPT_PROPOSAL | |
899416 | 899398 | A Bill to Provide for the Restoration to the States Lately in Insurrection of Their Full Political Rights: Mr. Bingham's Second Amendment | A Bill to Provide for the Restoration to the States Lately in Insurrection of Their Full Political Rights | Journal of the Joint Committee of Fifteen on Reconstruction | ADOPT_PROPOSAL | |
896800 | 896621 | Williams' Amendment to Strike Out Section 5 | Plan of Reconstruction [As Considered by Sections] | Journal of the Joint Committee of Fifteen on Reconstruction | ADOPT_PROPOSAL | |
896807 | 896621 | Plan of Reconstruction [As Considered by Sections]: Mr. Stevens' Amendment to Strike Out Section 2 | Plan of Reconstruction [As Considered by Sections] | Journal of the Joint Committee of Fifteen on Reconstruction | ADOPT_PROPOSAL | |
896810 | 896621 | Plan of Reconstruction [As Considered by Sections]: Mr. Williams' Alternative Section 2 | Plan of Reconstruction [As Considered by Sections] | Journal of the Joint Committee of Fifteen on Reconstruction | ADOPT_PROPOSAL | |
896813 | 896621 | Plan of Reconstruction [As Considered by Sections]: Mr. Rogers' Amendment to Section 3 | Plan of Reconstruction [As Considered by Sections] | Journal of the Joint Committee of Fifteen on Reconstruction | REJECT_PROPOSAL | |
896814 | 896621 | Plan of Reconstruction [As Considered by Sections]: Mr. Bingham's Amendment to Section 3 | Plan of Reconstruction [As Considered by Sections] | Journal of the Joint Committee of Fifteen on Reconstruction | ADOPT_PROPOSAL | |
896816 | 896621 | Plan of Reconstruction [As Considered by Sections]: Mr. Boutwell's Additional Section | Plan of Reconstruction [As Considered by Sections] | Journal of the Joint Committee of Fifteen on Reconstruction | REJECT_PROPOSAL | |
896819 | 896816 | Plan of Reconstruction [As Considered by Sections]: Mr. Boutwell's Additional Section: Mr. Stevens' Amendment | Plan of Reconstruction [As Considered by Sections]: Mr. Boutwell's Additional Section | Journal of the Joint Committee of Fifteen on Reconstruction | REJECT_PROPOSAL | |
896822 | 896621 | Plan of Reconstruction [As Considered by Sections]: Mr. Harris' Additional Section | Plan of Reconstruction [As Considered by Sections] | Journal of the Joint Committee of Fifteen on Reconstruction | ADOPT_PROPOSAL | |
896828 | 896621 | Plan of Reconstruction [As Considered by Sections]: Mr. Bingham's Alternative Section 1 | Plan of Reconstruction [As Considered by Sections] | Journal of the Joint Committee of Fifteen on Reconstruction | ADOPT_PROPOSAL | |
899417 | 899398 | Motion to Consider Exclusions as a Separate Bill | A Bill to Provide for the Restoration to the States Lately in Insurrection of Their Full Political Rights | Journal of the Joint Committee of Fifteen on Reconstruction | No decision | |
899421 | 899398 | A Bill to Provide for the Restoration to the States Lately in Insurrection of Their Full Political Rights: Modification of the Preamble to Conform with the Action of the Committee | A Bill to Provide for the Restoration to the States Lately in Insurrection of Their Full Political Rights | Journal of the Joint Committee of Fifteen on Reconstruction | ADOPT_PROPOSAL | |
899429 | 899398 | A Bill to Provide for the Restoration to the States Lately in Insurrection of Their Full Political Rights: Section 1 | A Bill to Provide for the Restoration to the States Lately in Insurrection of Their Full Political Rights | Journal of the Joint Committee of Fifteen on Reconstruction | ADOPT_PROPOSAL | |
899434 | 899429 | A Bill to Provide for the Restoration to the States Lately in Insurrection of Their Full Political Rights: Section 1: Mr. Fessenden's Amendment | A Bill to Provide for the Restoration to the States Lately in Insurrection of Their Full Political Rights: Section 1 | Journal of the Joint Committee of Fifteen on Reconstruction | ADOPT_PROPOSAL | |
899437 | 899429 | A Bill to Provide for the Restoration to the States Lately in Insurrection of Their Full Political Rights: Section 1: Mr. Boutwell's Amendment | A Bill to Provide for the Restoration to the States Lately in Insurrection of Their Full Political Rights: Section 1 | Journal of the Joint Committee of Fifteen on Reconstruction | REJECT_PROPOSAL | |
899438 | 899437 | A Bill to Provide for the Restoration to the States Lately in Insurrection of Their Full Political Rights: Section 1: Mr. Boutwell's Amendment: Mr. Bingham's Amendment | A Bill to Provide for the Restoration to the States Lately in Insurrection of Their Full Political Rights: Section 1: Mr. Boutwell's Amendment | Journal of the Joint Committee of Fifteen on Reconstruction | REJECT_PROPOSAL | |
899441 | 899429 | A Bill to Provide for the Restoration to the States Lately in Insurrection of Their Full Political Rights: Section 1: Mr. Conkling's Amendment | A Bill to Provide for the Restoration to the States Lately in Insurrection of Their Full Political Rights: Section 1 | Journal of the Joint Committee of Fifteen on Reconstruction | ADOPT_PROPOSAL | |
899442 | 899429 | A Bill to Provide for the Restoration to the States Lately in Insurrection of Their Full Political Rights: Section 1: Mr. Williams' Amendment | A Bill to Provide for the Restoration to the States Lately in Insurrection of Their Full Political Rights: Section 1 | Journal of the Joint Committee of Fifteen on Reconstruction | REJECT_PROPOSAL | |
899430 | 899398 | A Bill to Provide for the Restoration to the States Lately in Insurrection of Their Full Political Rights: Section 2 | A Bill to Provide for the Restoration to the States Lately in Insurrection of Their Full Political Rights | Journal of the Joint Committee of Fifteen on Reconstruction | ADOPT_PROPOSAL | |
899449 | 899418 | A Bill to Declare Certain Persons Ineligible to Office: Mr. Conkling's Amendment | A Bill to Declare Certain Persons Ineligible to Office | Journal of the Joint Committee of Fifteen on Reconstruction | ADOPT_PROPOSAL | |
899450 | 899418 | A Bill to Declare Certain Persons Ineligible to Office: Mr. Fessenden's Amendment | A Bill to Declare Certain Persons Ineligible to Office | Journal of the Joint Committee of Fifteen on Reconstruction | ADOPT_PROPOSAL | |
899451 | 899418 | A Bill to Declare Certain Persons Ineligible to Office: Mr. Howard's Amendment | A Bill to Declare Certain Persons Ineligible to Office | Journal of the Joint Committee of Fifteen on Reconstruction | REJECT_PROPOSAL | |
899452 | 899418 | A Bill to Declare Certain Persons Ineligible to Office: Amendment | A Bill to Declare Certain Persons Ineligible to Office | Journal of the Joint Committee of Fifteen on Reconstruction | ADOPT_PROPOSAL | |
899454 | 899418 | A Bill to Declare Certain Persons Ineligible to Office: Mr. Grimes' Amendment | A Bill to Declare Certain Persons Ineligible to Office | Journal of the Joint Committee of Fifteen on Reconstruction | ADOPT_PROPOSAL | |
899456 | 899418 | A Bill to Declare Certain Persons Ineligible to Office: Mr. Grimes' Second Amendment | A Bill to Declare Certain Persons Ineligible to Office | Journal of the Joint Committee of Fifteen on Reconstruction | REJECT_PROPOSAL | |
899458 | 899418 | A Bill to Declare Certain Persons Ineligible to Office: Amendment | A Bill to Declare Certain Persons Ineligible to Office | Journal of the Joint Committee of Fifteen on Reconstruction | No decision | |
901098 | 740601 | Mr. Stevens' Resolution on Reconstruction: Mr. Stevens' Modification | Mr. Stevens' Resolution on Reconstruction | Journal of the Joint Committee of Fifteen on Reconstruction | No decision | |
901101 | 901085 | H. R. 543: Mr. Bingham's Amendment | H. R. 543 | Journal of the Joint Committee of Fifteen on Reconstruction | No decision | |
901665 | 901663 | S. 564 [As Amended in the Joint Committee on Reconstruction]: Mr. Conkling's Amendment to the Preamble | S. 564 [As Amended in the Joint Committee on Reconstruction] | Journal of the Joint Committee of Fifteen on Reconstruction | ADOPT_PROPOSAL | |
901667 | 901663 | S. 564 [As Amended in the Joint Committee on Reconstruction]: Amendment to the Preamble | S. 564 [As Amended in the Joint Committee on Reconstruction] | Journal of the Joint Committee of Fifteen on Reconstruction | ADOPT_PROPOSAL | |
901668 | 901663 | S. 564 [As Amended in the Joint Committee on Reconstruction]: Mr. Farnsworth's Amendment to the Preamble | S. 564 [As Amended in the Joint Committee on Reconstruction] | Journal of the Joint Committee of Fifteen on Reconstruction | ADOPT_PROPOSAL | |
901676 | 901663 | S. 564 [As Amended in the Joint Committee on Reconstruction]: Mr. Johnson's Amendment to the Preamble | S. 564 [As Amended in the Joint Committee on Reconstruction] | Journal of the Joint Committee of Fifteen on Reconstruction | REJECT_PROPOSAL | |
901677 | 901663 | S. 564 [As Amended in the Joint Committee on Reconstruction]: Second Amendment to the Preamble | S. 564 [As Amended in the Joint Committee on Reconstruction] | Journal of the Joint Committee of Fifteen on Reconstruction | ADOPT_PROPOSAL | |
901678 | 901663 | S. 564 [As Amended in the Joint Committee on Reconstruction]: Mr. Bingham's Substitute for the Preamble | S. 564 [As Amended in the Joint Committee on Reconstruction] | Journal of the Joint Committee of Fifteen on Reconstruction | REJECT_PROPOSAL | |
901679 | 901663 | S. 564 [As Amended in the Joint Committee on Reconstruction]: Section 1 | S. 564 [As Amended in the Joint Committee on Reconstruction] | Journal of the Joint Committee of Fifteen on Reconstruction | ADOPT_PROPOSAL | |
901680 | 901679 | S. 564 [As Amended in the Joint Committee on Reconstruction]: Section 1: Mr Conkling's Amendment | S. 564 [As Amended in the Joint Committee on Reconstruction]: Section 1 | Journal of the Joint Committee of Fifteen on Reconstruction | NO_OBJECTION | |
901681 | 901679 | S. 564 [As Amended in the Joint Committee on Reconstruction]: Section 1: Mr. Bingham's Amendment | S. 564 [As Amended in the Joint Committee on Reconstruction]: Section 1 | Journal of the Joint Committee of Fifteen on Reconstruction | REJECT_PROPOSAL | |
901683 | 901679 | S. 564 [As Amended in the Joint Committee on Reconstruction]: Section 1: Mr. Bingham's Second Amendment | S. 564 [As Amended in the Joint Committee on Reconstruction]: Section 1 | Journal of the Joint Committee of Fifteen on Reconstruction | REJECT_PROPOSAL | |
901686 | 901663 | S. 564 [As Amended in the Joint Committee on Reconstruction]: Section 2 | S. 564 [As Amended in the Joint Committee on Reconstruction] | Journal of the Joint Committee of Fifteen on Reconstruction | NO_OBJECTION | |
901687 | 901686 | S. 564 [As Amended in the Joint Committee on Reconstruction]: Section 2: Mr. Conkling's Amendment | S. 564 [As Amended in the Joint Committee on Reconstruction]: Section 2 | Journal of the Joint Committee of Fifteen on Reconstruction | ADOPT_PROPOSAL | |
901688 | 901663 | S. 564 [As Amended in the Joint Committee on Reconstruction]: Section 3 | S. 564 [As Amended in the Joint Committee on Reconstruction] | Journal of the Joint Committee of Fifteen on Reconstruction | ADOPT_PROPOSAL | |
901690 | 901688 | S. 564 [As Amended in the Joint Committee on Reconstruction]: Section 3: Mr. Harris' Amendment | S. 564 [As Amended in the Joint Committee on Reconstruction]: Section 3 | Journal of the Joint Committee of Fifteen on Reconstruction | ADOPT_PROPOSAL | |
901691 | 901688 | S. 564 [As Amended in the Joint Committee on Reconstruction]: Section 3: Mr. Bingham's Amendment | S. 564 [As Amended in the Joint Committee on Reconstruction]: Section 3 | Journal of the Joint Committee of Fifteen on Reconstruction | ADOPT_PROPOSAL | |
901692 | 901688 | S. 564 [As Amended in the Joint Committee on Reconstruction]: Section 3: Mr. Bingham's Second Amendment | S. 564 [As Amended in the Joint Committee on Reconstruction]: Section 3 | Journal of the Joint Committee of Fifteen on Reconstruction | REJECT_PROPOSAL | |
901693 | 901688 | S. 564 [As Amended in the Joint Committee on Reconstruction]: Section 3: Mr. Bingham's Third Amendment | S. 564 [As Amended in the Joint Committee on Reconstruction]: Section 3 | Journal of the Joint Committee of Fifteen on Reconstruction | REJECT_PROPOSAL | |
901694 | 901663 | S. 564 [As Amended in the Joint Committee on Reconstruction]: Section 4 | S. 564 [As Amended in the Joint Committee on Reconstruction] | Journal of the Joint Committee of Fifteen on Reconstruction | ADOPT_PROPOSAL | |
901695 | 901694 | S. 564 [As Amended in the Joint Committee on Reconstruction]: Section 4: Mr. Conkling's Amendment | S. 564 [As Amended in the Joint Committee on Reconstruction]: Section 4 | Journal of the Joint Committee of Fifteen on Reconstruction | ADOPT_PROPOSAL | |
901696 | 901663 | S. 564 [As Amended in the Joint Committee on Reconstruction]: Section 5 | S. 564 [As Amended in the Joint Committee on Reconstruction] | Journal of the Joint Committee of Fifteen on Reconstruction | ADOPT_PROPOSAL | |
901697 | 901696 | S. 564 [As Amended in the Joint Committee on Reconstruction]: Section 5: Mr. Conkling's Amendment | S. 564 [As Amended in the Joint Committee on Reconstruction]: Section 5 | Journal of the Joint Committee of Fifteen on Reconstruction | ADOPT_PROPOSAL | |
901698 | 901686 | S. 564 [As Amended in the Joint Committee on Reconstruction]: Section 2: Mr. Howard's Amendment | S. 564 [As Amended in the Joint Committee on Reconstruction]: Section 2 | Journal of the Joint Committee of Fifteen on Reconstruction | ADOPT_PROPOSAL |
Event Id | Target Id | Proposal Name | Target Name | Source | Dependant Amendments | Ultimate Decision Type |
738292 | 131614 | Resolution on Joint Committee: Mr. Anthony's Amendment | Resolution to Create a Joint Committee on Reconstruction | The Congressional Globe | ADOPT_PROPOSAL | |
738293 | 738292 | Resolution on Joint Committee: Mr. Anthony's Amendment: Mr. Foot's Correction | Resolution on Joint Committee: Mr. Anthony's Amendment | The Congressional Globe | ADOPT_PROPOSAL | |
738296 | 131614 | Resolution on Joint Committee: Mr. Anthony's Second Amendment | Resolution to Create a Joint Committee on Reconstruction | The Congressional Globe | ADOPT_PROPOSAL | |
738305 | 131614 | Resolution on Joint Committee: Mr. Cowan's Amendment | Resolution to Create a Joint Committee on Reconstruction | The Congressional Globe | REJECT_PROPOSAL | |
738310 | 131614 | Resolution on Joint Committee: Mr. Dixon's Amendment | Resolution to Create a Joint Committee on Reconstruction | The Congressional Globe | REJECT_PROPOSAL | |
901570 | 739588 | H. Res. 51: Mr. Doolittle's Amendment: Mr. Sherman's Substitute | H. Res. 51: Mr. Doolittle's Amendment | The Congressional Globe | DROP_PROPOSAL | |
901574 | 739588 | H. Res. 51: Mr. Doolittle's Amendment: Mr. Stewart's Amendment | H. Res. 51: Mr. Doolittle's Amendment | The Congressional Globe | No decision | |
901577 | 739588 | H. Res. 51: Mr. Doolittle's Amendment: Mr. Wilson's Amendment | H. Res. 51: Mr. Doolittle's Amendment | The Congressional Globe | DROP_PROPOSAL | |
901578 | 901555 | H. Res. 51: Mr. Sumner's Substitute | H. Res. 51 | The Congressional Globe | DROP_PROPOSAL | |
866708 | 866644 | S. 61: Mr. Wilson's Third Amendment: Mr. Davis' Amendment | S. 61: Mr. Wilson's Third Amendment | The Congressional Globe | REJECT_PROPOSAL | |
866685 | 866651 | S. 61: Fifth House Judiciary Committee Amendment: Mr. Davis' Amendment | S. 61: Fifth House Judiciary Committee Amendment | The Congressional Globe | REJECT_PROPOSAL | |
844560 | 682049 | Resolution on the Contested Election of John P. Stockton: Mr. Clark's Amendment | Resolution on the Contested Election of John P. Stockton | The Congressional Globe | REJECT_PROPOSAL | |
844571 | 682049 | Resolution on the Contested Election of John P. Stockton: Mr. Clark's Amendment | Resolution on the Contested Election of John P. Stockton | The Congressional Globe | ADOPT_PROPOSAL | |
863271 | 844571 | Resolution on the Contested Election of John P. Stockton: Mr. Clark's Amendment: Mr. Clark's Modification | Resolution on the Contested Election of John P. Stockton: Mr. Clark's Amendment | The Congressional Globe | ADOPT_PROPOSAL | |
844574 | 844571 | Resolution on the Contested Election of John P. Stockton: Mr. Clark's Amendment: Mr. Davis' Amendment | Resolution on the Contested Election of John P. Stockton: Mr. Clark's Amendment | The Congressional Globe; Journal of the Senate of the United States of America, 1865-1867 | REJECT_PROPOSAL | |
899566 | 899546 | S. 292: Mr. Williams' Amendment | S. 292 | The Congressional Globe; Library of Congress, Congress.gov | DROP_PROPOSAL | |
899641 | 896842 | S. Res. 78: Mr. Stewart's Amendment | S. Res. 78 | The Congressional Globe; Library of Congress, Congress.gov | DROP_PROPOSAL | |
899640 | 899546 | S. 292: Mr. Stewart's Substitute for S. 292 and S. 293 | S. 292 | The Congressional Globe; Library of Congress, Congress.gov | DROP_PROPOSAL | |
899710 | 899546 | S. 292: Mr. Sumner's Amendment | S. 292 | The Congressional Globe; Library of Congress, Congress.gov | DROP_PROPOSAL | |
901102 | 503095 | H. Res. 127: Mr. Howard's Additional Section 3: Mr. Davis' Amendment | H. Res. 127: Mr. Howard's Additional Section 3 | The Congressional Globe | REJECT_PROPOSAL | |
901108 | 142837 | H. Res. 127: Mr. Clark's Substitute for Sections 4 and 5: Mr. Davis' Amendment | H. Res. 127: Mr. Clark's Substitute for Sections 4 and 5 | The Congressional Globe | REJECT_PROPOSAL | |
901114 | 142837 | H. Res. 127: Mr. Clark's Substitute for Sections 4 and 5: Mr. Davis' Second Amendment | H. Res. 127: Mr. Clark's Substitute for Sections 4 and 5 | The Congressional Globe | REJECT_PROPOSAL | |
901130 | 899386 | H. Res. 127: Mr. Johnson's Amendment to Section 1 | H. Res. 127 | The Congressional Globe | REJECT_PROPOSAL | |
901593 | 901592 | H. Res. 127: Signature of the President pro Tempore | H. Res. 127 | The Congressional Globe | ADOPT_PROPOSAL | |
870279 | 870278 | S. 1: Senate Committee on the District of Columbia Substitute as Amended in Committee of the Whole: Mr. Pomeroy's Amendment | S. 1: Senate Committee on the District of Columbia Substitute as Amended in Committee of the Whole | The Congressional Globe | ADOPT_PROPOSAL | |
870344 | 870330 | S. 1: Signature of the President pro tempore | S. 1 | The Congressional Globe; Journal of the Senate of the United States of America, 1865-1867 | ADOPT_PROPOSAL | |
870371 | 870353 | S. 1: Senate Resolution to Pass S. 1 | S. 1 | Journal of the House of Representatives of the United States, 1865-1867 | ADOPT_PROPOSAL | |
904247 | 900015 | H. R. 1143: Mr. Williams' Amendment | H. R. 1143 | The Congressional Globe; Library of Congress, Congress.gov | No decision | |
902267 | 900286 | H. R. 1143: Mr. Norton's Amendment to Strike Out the Preamble | H. R. 1143 | The Congressional Globe | REJECT_PROPOSAL | |
902270 | 900286 | H. R. 1143: Mr. Buckalew's Amendment | H. R. 1143 | The Congressional Globe | REJECT_PROPOSAL | |
902274 | 900286 | H. R. 1143: Mr. Doolittle's Amendment | H. R. 1143 | The Congressional Globe | ADOPT_PROPOSAL | |
902278 | 902274 | H. R. 1143: Mr. Doolittle's Amendment: Mr. Sherman's Amendment | H. R. 1143: Mr. Doolittle's Amendment | The Congressional Globe | No decision | |
900496 | 900286 | H. R. 1143: Mr. Sherman's Amendment to the Title | H. R. 1143 | The Congressional Globe | ADOPT_PROPOSAL | |
904089 | 581703 | H. R. 1143: Mr. Wilson's Amendment: Mr. Doolittle's Amendment | H. R. 1143: Mr. Wilson's Amendment | The Congressional Globe | REJECT_PROPOSAL | |
904103 | 581703 | H. R. 1143: Mr. Wilson's Amendment: Mr. Wilson's Amendment | H. R. 1143: Mr. Wilson's Amendment | The Congressional Globe | REJECT_PROPOSAL | |
904123 | 904122 | H. R. 1143: Signature of the President pro tempore | H. R. 1143 | The Congressional Globe | NO_OBJECTION | |
904156 | 904148 | H. R. 1143: Senate Resolution | H. R. 1143 | Journal of the Senate of the United States of America, 1865-1867 | ADOPT_PROPOSAL |
Event Id | Target Id | Proposal Name | Target Name | Source | Dependant Amendments | Ultimate Decision Type |
128520 | 128516 | Resolution on Rules of the House: Mr. Higby's Amendment | Resolution on Rules of the House | The Congressional Globe | DROP_PROPOSAL | |
128858 | 128844 | Resolution to Create a Joint Committee on Reconstruction: Mr. Ashley's Amendment | Resolution to Create a Joint Committee on Reconstruction | The Congressional Globe | No decision | |
129718 | 129716 | Resolution to Grant Claimant W. E. Dodge Privilege of the Floor: Mr. Johnson's Amendment | Resolution to Grant Claimant W. E. Dodge Privilege of the Floor | The Congressional Globe | ADOPT_PROPOSAL | |
130209 | 130207 | Resolution to Grant Claimant Augustus C. Baldwin Privilege of the Floor: Johnson's Amendment | Resolution to Grant Claimant Augustus C. Baldwin Privilege of the Floor | The Congressional Globe | ADOPT_PROPOSAL | |
652431 | 652430 | Resolution on Privileges of the Floor: Mr. Stevens' Amendment | Resolution on Privileges of the Floor | The Congressional Globe | ADOPT_PROPOSAL | |
652435 | 652430 | Resolution on Privileges of the Floor: Mr. Smith's Modification | Resolution on Privileges of the Floor | The Congressional Globe | ADOPT_PROPOSAL | |
901350 | 652404 | Resolution Endorsing the President's Annual Message and Denying the Right to Secede: Mr. Bingham's Substitute | Resolution Endorsing the President's Annual Message and Denying the Right to Secede | The Congressional Globe | No decision | |
840025 | 839520 | Instructions to the Committee on the Judiciary to Amend H. R. 1: Mr. Schenck's Amendment | Instructions to the Committee on the Judiciary to Amend H. R. 1 | The Congressional Globe | ADOPT_PROPOSAL | |
738959 | 663285 | H. Res. 51: Notice of Mr. Sloan's Amendment | H. Res. 51 | The Congressional Globe | No decision | |
738975 | 663285 | H. Res. 51: Mr. Stevens' Amendment | H. Res. 51 | The Congressional Globe | No decision | |
738979 | 663285 | H. Res. 51: Notice of Mr. Kelley's Amendment | H. Res. 51 | The Congressional Globe | DROP_PROPOSAL | |
738982 | 663285 | H. Res. 51: Mr. Kelley's Substitute | H. Res. 51 | The Congressional Globe | No decision | |
871057 | 738982 | H. Res. 51: Mr. Kelley's Substitute: Notice of Mr. Brooks' Amendment | H. Res. 51: Mr. Kelley's Substitute | The Congressional Globe | DROP_PROPOSAL | |
871054 | 738982 | H. Res. 51: Mr. Kelley's Substitute: Mr. Orth's Amendment | H. Res. 51: Mr. Kelley's Substitute | The Congressional Globe | No decision | |
871065 | 738982 | H. Res. 51: Mr. Kelley's Substitute: Mr. Le Blond's Amendment | H. Res. 51: Mr. Kelley's Substitute | The Congressional Globe | No decision | |
888983 | 663285 | H. Res. 51: Mr. Ingersoll's Amendment | H. Res. 51 | The Congressional Globe | DROP_PROPOSAL | |
888986 | 738982 | H. Res. 51: Mr. Kelley's Substitute: Mr. Ingersoll's Substitute | H. Res. 51: Mr. Kelley's Substitute | The Congressional Globe; Journal of the House of Representatives of the United States, 1865-1867 | No decision | |
888998 | 663285 | H. Res. 51: Reading of Mr. Shellabarger's Substitute | H. Res. 51 | The Congressional Globe | DROP_PROPOSAL | |
889001 | 871069 | Instructions to the Joint Committee on Reconstruction: Mr. Eliot's Amendment | Mr. Lawrence's Instructions to the Joint Committee on Reconstruction | The Congressional Globe | No decision | |
889007 | 889001 | Instructions to the Joint Committee on Reconstruction: Mr. Eliot's Amendment: Mr. Schenck's Amendment | Instructions to the Joint Committee on Reconstruction: Mr. Eliot's Amendment | The Congressional Globe | No decision | |
739069 | 663285 | H. Res. 51: Notice of Mr. Broomall's Substitute | H. Res. 51 | The Congressional Globe | No decision | |
739073 | 663285 | H. Res. 51: Reading of Mr. Ward's Amendment | H. Res. 51 | The Congressional Globe | No decision | |
739120 | 739119 | H. Res. 51: Mr. Schenck's Substitute | H. Res. 51 | The Congressional Globe | REJECT_PROPOSAL | |
864285 | 663603 | Resolution on the Contested Election of Baldwin vs. Trowbridge: Minority Substitute | Resolution on the Contested Election of Baldwin vs. Trowbridge | The Congressional Globe | REJECT_PROPOSAL | |
863880 | 663160 | Resolutions on the Contested Election of Coffroth vs. Koontz: Minority Substitute | Resolutions on the Contested Election of Coffroth vs. Koontz | The Congressional Globe | REJECT_PROPOSAL | |
864313 | 677773 | Resolutions on the Contested Election of Washburn vs. Voorhees: Minority Substitute | Resolutions on the Contested Election of Washburn vs. Voorhees | The Congressional Globe | REJECT_PROPOSAL | |
843642 | 843639 | S. 61: Mr. Wilson's First House Judiciary Committee Amendment | S. 61 | The Congressional Globe | ADOPT_PROPOSAL | |
843644 | 843639 | S. 61: Mr. Wilson's Second House Judiciary Committee Amendment | S. 61 | The Congressional Globe | ADOPT_PROPOSAL | |
843647 | 843639 | S. 61: Mr. Wilson's First Amendment | S. 61 | The Congressional Globe | ADOPT_PROPOSAL | |
843650 | 843639 | S. 61: Mr. Wilson's Third House Judiciary Committee Amendment | S. 61 | The Congressional Globe | ADOPT_PROPOSAL | |
865922 | 664932 | Instructions to the House Committee on the Judiciary to Amend S. 61: Mr. Hill's Instructions | Instructions to the House Committee on the Judiciary to Amend S. 61 | The Congressional Globe | No decision | |
664987 | 664932 | Instructions to the House Committee on the Judiciary to Amend S. 61: Mr. Dumont's Instructions | Instructions to the House Committee on the Judiciary to Amend S. 61 | The Congressional Globe | No decision | |
664989 | 664932 | Instructions to the House Committee on the Judiciary to Amend S. 61: Mr. Miller's Instructions | Instructions to the House Committee on the Judiciary to Amend S. 61 | The Congressional Globe | No decision | |
843659 | 843639 | S. 61: Mr. Wilson's Second Amendment | S. 61 | The Congressional Globe | ADOPT_PROPOSAL | |
843661 | 843639 | S. 61: Mr. Wilson's Third Amendment | S. 61 | The Congressional Globe | ADOPT_PROPOSAL | |
843663 | 843639 | S. 61: Mr. Wilson's Fourth Amendment | S. 61 | The Congressional Globe | ADOPT_PROPOSAL | |
843665 | 843639 | S. 61: Mr. Wilson's Fifth Amendment | S. 61 | The Congressional Globe; Journal of the House of Representatives of the United States, 1865-1867 | POSTPONE_DEBATE | |
901582 | 843639 | S. 61: Mr. Latham's Substitute | S. 61 | The Congressional Globe; The Congressional Globe | No decision | |
664961 | 664932 | Instructions to the House Committee on the Judiciary to Amend S. 61: Mr. Bingham's Instructions | Instructions to the House Committee on the Judiciary to Amend S. 61 | The Congressional Globe | No decision | |
843680 | 843639 | S. 61: Mr. Wilson's Sixth Amendment | S. 61 | The Congressional Globe | No decision | |
860380 | 664932 | Instructions to the House Committee on the Judiciary to Amend S. 61: Mr. Bingham's Second Set of Instructions | Instructions to the House Committee on the Judiciary to Amend S. 61 | The Congressional Globe | No decision | |
861530 | 843723 | S. 61: Mr. LeBlond's Amendment to the Title | S. 61 | The Congressional Globe | DROP_PROPOSAL | |
866753 | 866744 | Appointment of the Joint Committee on Enrolled Bills (House): Appointment of Mr. Trowbridge | Appointment of the Joint Committee on Enrolled Bills (House) | The Congressional Globe | ADOPT_PROPOSAL | |
864561 | 665670 | Resolutions on Rebel Debt: Mr. Rogers' Modification | Resolutions on Rebel Debt | The Congressional Globe | ADOPT_PROPOSAL | |
863545 | 680441 | Resolutions on the Contested Election of Dodge vs. Brooks: Minority Substitute | Resolutions on the Contested Election of Dodge vs. Brooks | The Congressional Globe; Journal of the House of Representatives of the United States, 1865-1867 | REJECT_PROPOSAL | |
863556 | 863545 | Resolutions on the Contested Election of Dodge vs. Brooks: Minority Substitute: Mr. Garfield's Amendment | Resolutions on the Contested Election of Dodge vs. Brooks: Minority Substitute | The Congressional Globe; Journal of the House of Representatives of the United States, 1865-1867 | REJECT_PROPOSAL | |
863817 | 863556 | Resolutions on the Contested Election of Dodge vs. Brooks: Minority Substitute: Mr. Garfield's Amendment: Mr. Garfield's Modification | Resolutions on the Contested Election of Dodge vs. Brooks: Minority Substitute: Mr. Garfield's Amendment | The Congressional Globe; Journal of the House of Representatives of the United States, 1865-1867 | ADOPT_PROPOSAL | |
863557 | 863556 | Resolutions on the Contested Election of Dodge vs. Brooks: Minority Substitute: Mr. Garfield's Amendment: Mr. Paine's Substitute | Resolutions on the Contested Election of Dodge vs. Brooks: Minority Substitute: Mr. Garfield's Amendment | The Congressional Globe; Journal of the House of Representatives of the United States, 1865-1867 | ADOPT_PROPOSAL | |
899757 | 899732 | H. R. 543: Mr. Boutwell's Amendment | H. R. 543 | The Congressional Globe; Library of Congress, Congress.gov | DROP_PROPOSAL | |
899766 | 899732 | H. R. 543: Mr. Bingham's Amendment | H. R. 543 | The Congressional Globe; Library of Congress, Congress.gov | DROP_PROPOSAL | |
896870 | 896844 | H. Res. 127: Notice of Mr. Niblack's Amendment | H. Res. 127 | The Congressional Globe | DROP_PROPOSAL | |
899772 | 899732 | H. R. 543: Mr. Wilson's Amendment | H. R. 543 | The Congressional Globe; Library of Congress, Congress.gov | DROP_PROPOSAL | |
899801 | 896844 | H. Res. 127: Mr. Ashley's Amendment | H. Res. 127 | The Congressional Globe | DROP_PROPOSAL | |
899804 | 899732 | H. R. 543: Mr. Ashley's Amendment | H. R. 543 | The Congressional Globe | No decision | |
899822 | 899735 | H. R. 544: Mr. Ashley's Amendment | H. R. 544 | The Congressional Globe | DROP_PROPOSAL | |
899864 | 899732 | H. R. 543: Mr. Kelley's Substitute | H. R. 543 | The Congressional Globe | DROP_PROPOSAL | |
900092 | 900089 | H. R. 623: Mr. Stevens' Substitute | H. R. 623 | The Congressional Globe; Journal of the House of Representatives of the United States, 1865-1867, Library of Congress, Congress.gov | No decision | |
901587 | 901585 | H. Res. 127: Signature of the Speaker | H. Res. 127 | The Congressional Globe | ADOPT_PROPOSAL | |
899922 | 899732 | H. R. 543: Mr. Hale's Amendment | H. R. 543 | The Congressional Globe | No decision | |
902364 | 902353 | H. R. 790: Mr. Bingham's Substitute for Section 1 | H. R. 790 | The Congressional Globe | No decision | |
902366 | 902353 | H. R. 790: Mr. Wilson's Substitute for Section 1 | H. R. 790 | The Congressional Globe | No decision | |
902505 | 900089 | H. R. 623: Mr. Stevens' Amendments | H. R. 623 | The Congressional Globe | No decision | |
903944 | 740258 | Appointment of the Joint Committee on Reconstruction (House): Appointment of Elijah Hise | Appointment of the Joint Committee on Reconstruction (House) | The Congressional Globe | NO_OBJECTION | |
870325 | 870323 | S. 1: Signature of the Speaker | S. 1 | The Congressional Globe | ADOPT_PROPOSAL | |
900095 | 899732 | H. R. 543: Mr. Stevens' Substitute | H. R. 543 | The Congressional Globe; Journal of the House of Representatives of the United States, 1865-1867, Library of Congress, Congress.gov | No decision | |
900100 | 900095 | H. R. 543: Mr. Stevens' Substitute: Mr. Stevens' Modification | H. R. 543: Mr. Stevens' Substitute | The Congressional Globe | ADOPT_PROPOSAL | |
900106 | 900095 | H. R. 543: Mr. Stevens' Substitute: Mr. Ashley's Substitute | H. R. 543: Mr. Stevens' Substitute | The Congressional Globe; Library of Congress, Congress.gov | No decision | |
900108 | 900095 | H. R. 543: Mr. Stevens' Substitute: Mr. Stevens' Second Modification | H. R. 543: Mr. Stevens' Substitute | The Congressional Globe; Library of Congress, Congress.gov | ADOPT_PROPOSAL | |
870383 | 870377 | S. 1: House Resolution to Pass S. 1 | S. 1 | The Congressional Globe; Statutes at Large | ADOPT_PROPOSAL | |
903840 | 903604 | H. Res. 228: Mr. Kasson's Modification | H. Res. 228 | The Congressional Globe | ADOPT_PROPOSAL | |
903845 | 903604 | H. Res. 228: Mr. Thayer's Amendment | H. Res. 228 | The Congressional Globe | ADOPT_PROPOSAL | |
903876 | 903845 | H. Res. 228: Mr. Thayer's Amendment: Mr. Kasson's Modification | H. Res. 228: Mr. Thayer's Amendment | The Congressional Globe | ADOPT_PROPOSAL | |
900389 | 900095 | H. R. 543: Mr. Stevens' Substitute: Mr. Miller's Amendment | H. R. 543: Mr. Stevens' Substitute | The Congressional Globe | REJECT_PROPOSAL | |
900417 | 900095 | H. R. 543: Mr. Stevens' Substitute: Mr. Stevens' Third Modification | H. R. 543: Mr. Stevens' Substitute | Editorial Decisions; Library of Congress, Congress.gov | NO_OBJECTION | |
900901 | 900106 | H. R. 543: Mr. Stevens' Substitute: Mr. Ashley's Substitute: Mr. Ashley's Modification | H. R. 543: Mr. Stevens' Substitute: Mr. Ashley's Substitute | Editorial Decisions; Library of Congress, Congress.gov | NO_OBJECTION | |
900906 | 900095 | H. R. 543: Mr. Stevens' Substitute: Mr. Stevens' Fourth Modification | H. R. 543: Mr. Stevens' Substitute | The Congressional Globe | ADOPT_PROPOSAL | |
900913 | 900095 | H. R. 543: Mr. Stevens' Substitute: Mr. Spalding's Modification | H. R. 543: Mr. Stevens' Substitute | The Congressional Globe | ADOPT_PROPOSAL | |
900920 | 900095 | H. R. 543: Mr. Stevens' Substitute: Mr. Miller's Second Amendment | H. R. 543: Mr. Stevens' Substitute | The Congressional Globe | DROP_PROPOSAL | |
900951 | 900095 | H. R. 543: Mr. Stevens' Substitute: Mr. Stevens' Fifth Modification | H. R. 543: Mr. Stevens' Substitute | The Congressional Globe | ADOPT_PROPOSAL | |
900953 | 900095 | H. R. 543: Mr. Stevens' Substitute: Mr. Eliot's Modification | H. R. 543: Mr. Stevens' Substitute | The Congressional Globe | DROP_PROPOSAL | |
900957 | 900095 | H. R. 543: Mr. Stevens' Substitute: Mr. Stevens' Sixth Modification | H. R. 543: Mr. Stevens' Substitute | The Congressional Globe | ADOPT_PROPOSAL | |
900961 | 900095 | H. R. 543: Mr. Stevens' Substitute: Mr. Eliot's Second Modification | H. R. 543: Mr. Stevens' Substitute | The Congressional Globe | ADOPT_PROPOSAL | |
900976 | 900095 | H. R. 543: Mr. Stevens' Substitute: Mr. Shellabarger's Substitute for Section 6 | H. R. 543: Mr. Stevens' Substitute | The Congressional Globe | ADOPT_PROPOSAL | |
901723 | 899941 | H. R. 1143: Mr. Bingham's Amendment | H. R. 1143 | The Congressional Globe | DROP_PROPOSAL | |
901724 | 899941 | H. R. 1143: Mr. Bingham's Second Amendment | H. R. 1143 | The Congressional Globe | DROP_PROPOSAL | |
901725 | 899941 | H. R. 1143: Mr. Bingham's Third Amendment | H. R. 1143 | The Congressional Globe | DROP_PROPOSAL | |
901733 | 899941 | H. R. 1143: Mr. Lawrence's Amendments | H. R. 1143 | The Congressional Globe; Library of Congress, Congress.gov | DROP_PROPOSAL | |
901742 | 899941 | H. R. 1143: Mr. Lynch's Amendment | H. R. 1143 | The Congressional Globe | DROP_PROPOSAL | |
901756 | 899941 | H. R. 1143: Mr. Trimble's Amendment | H. R. 1143 | The Congressional Globe; The Congressional Globe | DROP_PROPOSAL | |
899979 | 899941 | H. R. 1143: Mr. Schenck's Verbal Alteration | H. R. 1143 | The Congressional Globe | No decision | |
901776 | 899941 | H. R. 1143: Mr. Kasson's Substitute | H. R. 1143 | The Congressional Globe; Library of Congress, Congress.gov | No decision | |
901784 | 899941 | H. R. 1143: Mr. Ashley's Amendment | H. R. 1143 | The Congressional Globe; Library of Congress, Congress.gov | No decision | |
901800 | 899941 | H. R. 1143: Mr. Banks' Substitute | H. R. 1143 | The Congressional Globe; Library of Congress, Congress.gov | No decision | |
901802 | 899941 | H. R. 1143: Mr. Hawkins' Substitute | H. R. 1143 | The Congressional Globe; Library of Congress, Congress.gov | No decision | |
901807 | 899941 | H. R. 1143: Mr. Bingham's Fourth Amendment | H. R. 1143 | The Congressional Globe; Library of Congress, Congress.gov | No decision | |
901808 | 901807 | H. R. 1143: Mr. Bingham's Fourth Amendment: Mr. Blaine's Amendment | H. R. 1143: Mr. Bingham's Fourth Amendment | The Congressional Globe; Library of Congress, Congress.gov | No decision | |
901831 | 901807 | H. R. 1143: Mr. Bingham's Fourth Amendment: Mr. Boutwell's Amendment | H. R. 1143: Mr. Bingham's Fourth Amendment | Journal of the House of Representatives of the United States, 1865-1867; Library of Congress, Congress.gov | No decision | |
899996 | 899941 | H. R. 1143: Mr. Stevens' Substitute | H. R. 1143 | The Congressional Globe | No decision | |
899999 | 899996 | H. R. 1143: Mr. Stevens' Substitute: Mr. Stevens' Modification | H. R. 1143: Mr. Stevens' Substitute | The Congressional Globe | ADOPT_PROPOSAL | |
901884 | 901807 | H. R. 1143: Mr. Bingham's Fourth Amendment: Mr. Bingham's Modification | H. R. 1143: Mr. Bingham's Fourth Amendment | The Congressional Globe | ADOPT_PROPOSAL | |
901888 | 901807 | H. R. 1143: Mr. Bingham's Fourth Amendment: Mr. Bingham's Acceptance of Mr. Blaine's Wording | H. R. 1143: Mr. Bingham's Fourth Amendment | The Congressional Globe | ADOPT_PROPOSAL | |
901901 | 899996 | H. R. 1143: Mr. Stevens' Substitute: Mr. Blaine's Instructions to the Committee on the Judiciary | H. R. 1143: Mr. Stevens' Substitute | The Congressional Globe | No decision | |
903696 | 482697 | H. R. 1143: Mr. Wilson's Amendment | H. R. 1143: Mr. Doolittle's Amendment | The Congressional Globe | No decision | |
903760 | 903696 | H. R. 1143: Mr. Wilson's Amendment: Mr. Shellabarger's Amendment | H. R. 1143: Mr. Wilson's Amendment | The Congressional Globe | ADOPT_PROPOSAL | |
904116 | 904110 | H. R. 1143: Signature of the Speaker | H. R. 1143 | The Congressional Globe | NO_OBJECTION | |
904146 | 904133 | H. R. 1143: House Resolution | H. R. 1143 | Journal of the House of Representatives of the United States, 1865-1867 | ADOPT_PROPOSAL |
Event Id | Target Id | Proposal Name | Target Name | Source | Dependant Amendments | Ultimate Decision Type |
Event Id | Target Id | Proposal Name | Target Name | Source | Dependant Amendments | Ultimate Decision Type |
899097 | 132165 | Article C: Sub-Committee on the Powers of Congress Amendment | Article C | Editorial Decisions | ADOPT_PROPOSAL |
Event Id | Target Id | Proposal Name | Target Name | Source | Dependant Amendments | Ultimate Decision Type |
Event Id | Target Id | Proposal Name | Target Name | Source | Dependant Amendments | Ultimate Decision Type |
867715 | 867657 | S. 1: Mr. Morrill's Additional Sections | S. 1 | The Congressional Globe; Reports of Committees of the Senate | No decision | |
869243 | 869239 | S. 1: Senate Committee on the District of Columbia Substitute: Mr. Morrill's Amendment | S. 1: Senate Committee on the District of Columbia Substitute | The Congressional Globe | ADOPT_PROPOSAL | |
843539 | 843523 | S. 61: Mr. Trumbull's Amendment | S. 61 | The Congressional Globe | DROP_PROPOSAL | |
843546 | 843523 | S. 61: Mr. Trumbull's Modified Amendment | S. 61 | The Congressional Globe | ADOPT_PROPOSAL | |
843548 | 843546 | S. 61: Mr. Trumbull's Modified Amendment: Mr. Lane's Amendment | S. 61: Mr. Trumbull's Modified Amendment | The Congressional Globe | DROP_PROPOSAL | |
843553 | 843546 | S. 61: Mr. Trumbull's Modified Amendment: Mr. Lane's Modified Amendment | S. 61: Mr. Trumbull's Modified Amendment | The Congressional Globe | REJECT_PROPOSAL | |
843559 | 843546 | S. 61: Mr. Trumbull's Modified Amendment: Mr. Pomeroy's Amendment | S. 61: Mr. Trumbull's Modified Amendment | The Congressional Globe | DROP_PROPOSAL | |
843562 | 843546 | S. 61: Mr. Trumbull's Modified Amendment: Mr. Trumbull's Further Modification | S. 61: Mr. Trumbull's Modified Amendment | The Congressional Globe | ADOPT_PROPOSAL | |
843569 | 843546 | S. 61: Mr. Trumbull's Modified Amendment: Mr. Henderson's Amendment | S. 61: Mr. Trumbull's Modified Amendment | The Congressional Globe | REJECT_PROPOSAL | |
843571 | 843569 | S. 61: Mr. Trumbull's Modified Amendment: Mr. Henderson's Amendment: Mr. Trumbull's Modification | S. 61: Mr. Trumbull's Modified Amendment: Mr. Henderson's Amendment | The Congressional Globe | ADOPT_PROPOSAL | |
843578 | 843523 | S. 61: Mr. Davis' Substitute | S. 61 | The Congressional Globe | REJECT_PROPOSAL | |
843582 | 843523 | S. 61: Mr. Hendricks' Amendment | S. 61 | The Congressional Globe | REJECT_PROPOSAL | |
843591 | 843523 | S. 61: Mr. Saulsbury's Amendment | S. 61 | The Congressional Globe | REJECT_PROPOSAL | |
843594 | 843523 | S. 61: Mr. Norton's Amendment | S. 61 | The Congressional Globe | ADOPT_PROPOSAL | |
901334 | 739131 | H. Res. 51: Mr. Doolittle's Amendment | H. Res. 51 | The Congressional Globe | DROP_PROPOSAL | |
739136 | 739131 | H. Res. 51: Mr. Sumner's Counter-Proposition | H. Res. 51 | The Congressional Globe | REJECT_PROPOSAL | |
739145 | 739136 | H. Res. 51: Mr. Sumner's Counter-Proposition: Mr. Henderson's Amendment | H. Res. 51: Mr. Sumner's Counter-Proposition | The Congressional Globe | REJECT_PROPOSAL | |
739161 | 739131 | H. Res. 51: Mr. Sumner's Amendment | H. Res. 51 | The Congressional Globe | DROP_PROPOSAL | |
901514 | 739131 | H. Res. 51: Mr. Howard's Amendment | H. Res. 51 | The Congressional Globe | DROP_PROPOSAL | |
739274 | 739136 | H. Res. 51: Mr. Sumner's Counter-Proposition: Mr. Clark's Amendment | H. Res. 51: Mr. Sumner's Counter-Proposition | The Congressional Globe | DROP_PROPOSAL | |
739278 | 739136 | H. Res. 51: Mr. Sumner's Counter-Proposition: Mr. Sumner's Modification | H. Res. 51: Mr. Sumner's Counter-Proposition | The Congressional Globe | ADOPT_PROPOSAL | |
739284 | 739131 | H. Res. 51: Mr. Yates' Amendment | H. Res. 51 | The Congressional Globe | REJECT_PROPOSAL | |
739287 | 739131 | H. Res. 51: Mr. Clark's Amendment | H. Res. 51 | The Congressional Globe | ADOPT_PROPOSAL | |
901548 | 901334 | H. Res. 51: Mr. Doolittle's Amendment: Mr. Doolittle's Modification | H. Res. 51: Mr. Doolittle's Amendment | The Congressional Globe | ADOPT_PROPOSAL | |
739296 | 739131 | H. Res. 51: Mr. Davis' Amendment | H. Res. 51 | The Congressional Globe | REJECT_PROPOSAL | |
739299 | 739131 | H. Res. 51: Mr. Sumner's Second Amendment | H. Res. 51 | The Congressional Globe | REJECT_PROPOSAL | |
739304 | 739131 | H. Res. 51: Mr. Sumner's Third Amendment | H. Res. 51 | The Congressional Globe | REJECT_PROPOSAL | |
897070 | 897067 | H. Res. 127: Mr. Clark's Substitute for Section 3 | H. Res. 127 | The Congressional Globe | DROP_PROPOSAL | |
897074 | 897067 | H. Res. 127: Mr. Wade's Substitute | H. Res. 127 | The Congressional Globe | DROP_PROPOSAL | |
897081 | 897067 | H. Res. 127: Mr. Wilson's Substitute for Section 2 | H. Res. 127 | The Congressional Globe | No decision | |
897083 | 897067 | H. Res. 127: Mr. Wilson's Substitute for Section 3 | H. Res. 127 | The Congressional Globe | No decision | |
897090 | 897070 | H. Res. 127: Mr. Clark's Substitute for Section 3: Mr. Clark's Modification | H. Res. 127: Mr. Clark's Substitute for Section 3 | The Congressional Globe | ADOPT_PROPOSAL | |
897093 | 897067 | H. Res. 127: Mr. Clark's Substitute for Section 4 | H. Res. 127 | The Congressional Globe | No decision | |
897098 | 897067 | H. Res. 127: Mr. Buckalew's Additional Section | H. Res. 127 | The Congressional Globe | No decision | |
897111 | 897067 | H. Res. 127: Mr. Johnson's Amendment to Strike Out Section 3 | H. Res. 127 | The Congressional Globe | ADOPT_PROPOSAL | |
897115 | 897067 | H. Res. 127: Mr. Sherman's Substitute for Sections 2 and 3 | H. Res. 127 | The Congressional Globe | DROP_PROPOSAL | |
897139 | 897067 | H. Res. 127: Mr. Howard's Amendment to Section 1 | H. Res. 127 | The Congressional Globe | ADOPT_PROPOSAL | |
897142 | 897067 | H. Res. 127: Mr. Howard's Amendment to Section 2 | H. Res. 127 | The Congressional Globe | DROP_PROPOSAL | |
897145 | 897067 | H. Res. 127: Mr. Howard's Additional Section 3 | H. Res. 127 | The Congressional Globe | ADOPT_PROPOSAL | |
897148 | 897067 | H. Res. 127: Mr. Howard's Additional Section 4 | H. Res. 127 | The Congressional Globe | ADOPT_PROPOSAL | |
897149 | 897067 | H. Res. 127: Mr. Howard's Amendment to Section 5 | H. Res. 127 | The Congressional Globe | ADOPT_PROPOSAL | |
898282 | 897139 | H. Res. 127: Mr. Howard's Amendment to Section 1: Mr. Doolittle's Amendment | H. Res. 127: Mr. Howard's Amendment to Section 1 | The Congressional Globe | REJECT_PROPOSAL | |
898285 | 897139 | H. Res. 127: Mr. Howard's Amendment to Section 1: Mr. Howard's Correction | H. Res. 127: Mr. Howard's Amendment to Section 1 | The Congressional Globe | ADOPT_PROPOSAL | |
898327 | 897067 | H. Res. 127: Mr. Howard's Amendment to Section 2: First Divided Amendment | H. Res. 127 | Editorial Decisions | ADOPT_PROPOSAL | |
898330 | 897067 | H. Res. 127: Mr. Howard's Amendment to Section 2: Second Divided Amendment | H. Res. 127 | The Congressional Globe | ADOPT_PROPOSAL | |
898317 | 897145 | H. Res. 127: Mr. Howard's Additional Section 3: Printers' Change | H. Res. 127: Mr. Howard's Additional Section 3 | The Congressional Globe | ADOPT_PROPOSAL | |
898320 | 897145 | H. Res. 127: Mr. Howard's Additional Section 3: Mr. Hendricks' Amendment | H. Res. 127: Mr. Howard's Additional Section 3 | The Congressional Globe | REJECT_PROPOSAL | |
898346 | 897145 | H. Res. 127: Mr. Howard's Additional Section 3: Mr. Johnson's Amendment | H. Res. 127: Mr. Howard's Additional Section 3 | The Congressional Globe | REJECT_PROPOSAL | |
898352 | 897145 | H. Res. 127: Mr. Howard's Additional Section 3: Mr. Johnson's Second Amendment | H. Res. 127: Mr. Howard's Additional Section 3 | The Congressional Globe | REJECT_PROPOSAL | |
898355 | 897145 | H. Res. 127: Mr. Howard's Additional Section 3: Mr. Saulsbury's Amendment | H. Res. 127: Mr. Howard's Additional Section 3 | The Congressional Globe | REJECT_PROPOSAL | |
898367 | 897145 | H. Res. 127: Mr. Howard's Additional Section 3: Mr. Doolittle's Amendment | H. Res. 127: Mr. Howard's Additional Section 3 | The Congressional Globe | REJECT_PROPOSAL | |
898368 | 897145 | H. Res. 127: Mr. Howard's Additional Section 3: Mr. Doolittle's Second Amendment | H. Res. 127: Mr. Howard's Additional Section 3 | The Congressional Globe | REJECT_PROPOSAL | |
898381 | 898368 | H. Res. 127: Mr. Howard's Additional Section 3: Mr. Doolittle's Second Amendment: Mr. Doolittle's Modification | H. Res. 127: Mr. Howard's Additional Section 3: Mr. Doolittle's Second Amendment | The Congressional Globe | ADOPT_PROPOSAL | |
898393 | 898368 | H. Res. 127: Mr. Howard's Additional Section 3: Mr. Doolittle's Second Amendment: Mr. Johnson's Amendment | H. Res. 127: Mr. Howard's Additional Section 3: Mr. Doolittle's Second Amendment | The Congressional Globe | DROP_PROPOSAL | |
898443 | 897067 | H. Res. 127: Mr. Hendricks' Amendment to Section 2 | H. Res. 127 | The Congressional Globe | REJECT_PROPOSAL | |
898413 | 897149 | H. Res. 127: Mr. Howard's Amendment to Section 5: Mr. Howard's Amendment | H. Res. 127: Mr. Howard's Amendment to Section 5 | The Congressional Globe | ADOPT_PROPOSAL | |
898420 | 897145 | H. Res. 127: Mr. Howard's Additional Section 3: Mr. Howard's Verbal Amendment | H. Res. 127: Mr. Howard's Additional Section 3 | The Congressional Globe | No decision | |
898425 | 897067 | H. Res. 127: Mr. Van Winkle's Additional Section | H. Res. 127 | The Congressional Globe | REJECT_PROPOSAL | |
898453 | 897067 | H. Res. 127: Mr. Doolittle's Substitute for Section 2 | H. Res. 127 | The Congressional Globe | REJECT_PROPOSAL | |
898519 | 897067 | H. Res. 127: Mr. Doolittle's Second Substitute for Section 2 | H. Res. 127 | The Congressional Globe | REJECT_PROPOSAL | |
898525 | 897067 | H. Res. 127: Mr. Williams' Substitute for Section 2 | H. Res. 127 | The Congressional Globe | ADOPT_PROPOSAL | |
898683 | 898525 | H. Res. 127: Mr. Williams' Substitute for Section 2: Mr. Henderson's Amendment | H. Res. 127: Mr. Williams' Substitute for Section 2 | The Congressional Globe | DROP_PROPOSAL | |
898701 | 898525 | H. Res. 127: Mr. Williams' Substitute for Section 2: Mr. Williams' Modification | H. Res. 127: Mr. Williams' Substitute for Section 2 | The Congressional Globe | ADOPT_PROPOSAL | |
898711 | 897067 | H. Res. 127: Mr. Yates' Amendment | H. Res. 127 | The Congressional Globe | DROP_PROPOSAL | |
898743 | 898525 | H. Res. 127: Mr. Williams' Substitute for Section 2: Mr. Howard's First Amendment | H. Res. 127: Mr. Williams' Substitute for Section 2 | The Congressional Globe | REJECT_PROPOSAL | |
898744 | 898525 | H. Res. 127: Mr. Williams' Substitute for Section 2: Mr. Howard's Second Amendment | H. Res. 127: Mr. Williams' Substitute for Section 2 | The Congressional Globe | REJECT_PROPOSAL | |
898764 | 897067 | H. Res. 127: Mr. Clark's Substitute for Sections 4 and 5 | H. Res. 127 | The Congressional Globe | ADOPT_PROPOSAL | |
898765 | 898764 | H. Res. 127: Mr. Clark's Substitute for Sections 4 and 5: Mr. Clark's Modification | H. Res. 127: Mr. Clark's Substitute for Sections 4 and 5 | The Congressional Globe | ADOPT_PROPOSAL | |
898770 | 897067 | H. Res. 127: Mr. Fessenden's Amendment to Section 1 | H. Res. 127 | The Congressional Globe | ADOPT_PROPOSAL | |
898773 | 897067 | H. Res. 127: Mr. Doolittle's Substitute to Separate the Articles | H. Res. 127 | The Congressional Globe | REJECT_PROPOSAL | |
869251 | 869243 | S. 1: Senate Committee on the District of Columbia Substitute: Mr. Morrill's Amendment: Mr. Morrill's Modification | S. 1: Senate Committee on the District of Columbia Substitute: Mr. Morrill's Amendment | The Congressional Globe | ADOPT_PROPOSAL | |
869256 | 869239 | S. 1: Senate Committee on the District of Columbia Substitute: Mr. Morrill's Second Amendment | S. 1: Senate Committee on the District of Columbia Substitute | The Congressional Globe | REJECT_PROPOSAL | |
869258 | 869256 | S. 1: Senate Committee on the District of Columbia Substitute: Mr. Morrill's Second Amendment: Mr. Wilson's Amendment | S. 1: Senate Committee on the District of Columbia Substitute: Mr. Morrill's Second Amendment | The Congressional Globe | DROP_PROPOSAL | |
869263 | 869256 | S. 1: Senate Committee on the District of Columbia Substitute: Mr. Morrill's Second Amendment: Mr. Morrill's Modification | S. 1: Senate Committee on the District of Columbia Substitute: Mr. Morrill's Second Amendment | The Congressional Globe | ADOPT_PROPOSAL | |
869275 | 869239 | S. 1: Senate Committee on the District of Columbia Substitute: Mr. Willey's Substitute for Section One | S. 1: Senate Committee on the District of Columbia Substitute | The Congressional Globe; Library of Congress, Congress.gov | REJECT_PROPOSAL | |
869282 | 869275 | S. 1: Senate Committee on the District of Columbia Substitute: Mr. Willey's Substitute for Section One: Mr. Morrill's Amendment | S. 1: Senate Committee on the District of Columbia Substitute: Mr. Willey's Substitute for Section One | The Congressional Globe | ADOPT_PROPOSAL | |
869285 | 869275 | S. 1: Senate Committee on the District of Columbia Substitute: Mr. Willey's Substitute for Section One: Mr. Morrill's Second Amendment | S. 1: Senate Committee on the District of Columbia Substitute: Mr. Willey's Substitute for Section One | The Congressional Globe | DROP_PROPOSAL | |
869287 | 869285 | S. 1: Senate Committee on the District of Columbia Substitute: Mr. Willey's Substitute for Section One: Mr. Morrill's Second Amendment: Mr. Morrill's Modification | S. 1: Senate Committee on the District of Columbia Substitute: Mr. Willey's Substitute for Section One: Mr. Morrill's Second Amendment | The Congressional Globe | ADOPT_PROPOSAL | |
869294 | 869275 | S. 1: Senate Committee on the District of Columbia Substitute: Mr. Willey's Substitute for Section One: Mr. Anthony's Amendment | S. 1: Senate Committee on the District of Columbia Substitute: Mr. Willey's Substitute for Section One | The Congressional Globe | ADOPT_PROPOSAL | |
869298 | 869294 | S. 1: Senate Committee on the District of Columbia Substitute: Mr. Willey's Substitute for Section One: Mr. Anthony's Amendment: Mr. Anthony's Modification | S. 1: Senate Committee on the District of Columbia Substitute: Mr. Willey's Substitute for Section One: Mr. Anthony's Amendment | The Congressional Globe | ADOPT_PROPOSAL | |
869302 | 869275 | S. 1: Senate Committee on the District of Columbia Substitute: Mr. Willey's Substitute for Section One: Mr. Cowan's Amendment | S. 1: Senate Committee on the District of Columbia Substitute: Mr. Willey's Substitute for Section One | The Congressional Globe | DROP_PROPOSAL | |
869308 | 869239 | S. 1: Senate Committee on the District of Columbia Substitute: Mr. Morrill's Third Amendment | S. 1: Senate Committee on the District of Columbia Substitute | The Congressional Globe | ADOPT_PROPOSAL | |
869309 | 869308 | S. 1: Senate Committee on the District of Columbia Substitute: Mr. Morrill's Third Amendment: Mr. Wilson's Modification | S. 1: Senate Committee on the District of Columbia Substitute: Mr. Morrill's Third Amendment | The Congressional Globe | REJECT_PROPOSAL | |
869311 | 869309 | S. 1: Senate Committee on the District of Columbia Substitute: Mr. Morrill's Third Amendment: Mr. Wilson's Modification: Mr. Wilson's Further Modification | S. 1: Senate Committee on the District of Columbia Substitute: Mr. Morrill's Third Amendment: Mr. Wilson's Modification | The Congressional Globe | ADOPT_PROPOSAL | |
869315 | 869239 | S. 1: Senate Committee on the District of Columbia Substitute: Mr. Wilson's Amendment | S. 1: Senate Committee on the District of Columbia Substitute | The Congressional Globe | ADOPT_PROPOSAL | |
869316 | 869315 | S. 1: Senate Committee on the District of Columbia Substitute: Mr. Wilson's Amendment: Mr. Pomeroy's Modification | S. 1: Senate Committee on the District of Columbia Substitute: Mr. Wilson's Amendment | The Congressional Globe | DROP_PROPOSAL | |
869319 | 869239 | S. 1: Senate Committee on the District of Columbia Substitute: Mr. Cowan's Second Amendment | S. 1: Senate Committee on the District of Columbia Substitute | The Congressional Globe | REJECT_PROPOSAL | |
869344 | 869239 | S. 1: Senate Committee on the District of Columbia Substitute: Mr. Dixon's Amendment | S. 1: Senate Committee on the District of Columbia Substitute | The Congressional Globe | REJECT_PROPOSAL | |
869364 | 869239 | S. 1: Senate Committee on the District of Columbia Substitute: Mr. Pomeroy's Amendment | S. 1: Senate Committee on the District of Columbia Substitute | The Congressional Globe | DROP_PROPOSAL | |
869367 | 869239 | S. 1: Senate Committee on the District of Columbia Substitute: Mr. Wilson's Second Amendment | S. 1: Senate Committee on the District of Columbia Substitute | The Congressional Globe | ADOPT_PROPOSAL | |
869371 | 869239 | S. 1: Senate Committee on the District of Columbia Substitute: Mr. Edmunds' Amendment | S. 1: Senate Committee on the District of Columbia Substitute | The Congressional Globe | ADOPT_PROPOSAL | |
869373 | 869371 | S. 1: Senate Committee on the District of Columbia Substitute: Mr. Edmunds' Amendment: Mr. Pomeroy's Modification | S. 1: Senate Committee on the District of Columbia Substitute: Mr. Edmunds' Amendment | The Congressional Globe | ADOPT_PROPOSAL | |
869376 | 869239 | S. 1: Senate Committee on the District of Columbia Substitute: Mr. Morrill's Fourth Amendment | S. 1: Senate Committee on the District of Columbia Substitute | The Congressional Globe | ADOPT_PROPOSAL | |
869379 | 869239 | S. 1: Senate Committee on the District of Columbia Substitute: Mr. Morrill's Fifth Amendment | S. 1: Senate Committee on the District of Columbia Substitute | The Congressional Globe | ADOPT_PROPOSAL | |
869383 | 869239 | S. 1: Senate Committee on the District of Columbia Substitute: Mr. Buckalew's Amendment | S. 1: Senate Committee on the District of Columbia Substitute | The Congressional Globe | ADOPT_PROPOSAL | |
869387 | 869239 | S. 1: Senate Committee on the District of Columbia Substitute: Mr. Buckalew's Second Amendment | S. 1: Senate Committee on the District of Columbia Substitute | The Congressional Globe | ADOPT_PROPOSAL | |
869390 | 869239 | S. 1: Senate Committee on the District of Columbia Substitute: Mr. Edmunds' Second Amendment | S. 1: Senate Committee on the District of Columbia Substitute | The Congressional Globe | DROP_PROPOSAL | |
869393 | 869390 | S. 1: Senate Committee on the District of Columbia Substitute: Mr. Edmunds' Second Amendment: Mr. Hendricks' Amendment | S. 1: Senate Committee on the District of Columbia Substitute: Mr. Edmunds' Second Amendment | The Congressional Globe | DROP_PROPOSAL | |
869398 | 869390 | S. 1: Senate Committee on the District of Columbia Substitute: Mr. Edmunds' Second Amendment: Mr. Howard's Amendment | S. 1: Senate Committee on the District of Columbia Substitute: Mr. Edmunds' Second Amendment | The Congressional Globe | DROP_PROPOSAL | |
900114 | 900112 | H. R. 1143: Mr. Johnson's Amendment | H. R. 1143 | The Congressional Globe | REJECT_PROPOSAL | |
900121 | 900114 | H. R. 1143: Mr. Johnson's Amendment: Mr. Wilson's Amendment | H. R. 1143: Mr. Johnson's Amendment | The Congressional Globe | REJECT_PROPOSAL | |
900133 | 900114 | H. R. 1143: Mr. Johnson's Amendment: Mr. Hendricks' Amendment | H. R. 1143: Mr. Johnson's Amendment | The Congressional Globe | DROP_PROPOSAL | |
900141 | 900114 | H. R. 1143: Mr. Johnson's Amendment: Mr. Frelinghuysen's Amendment | H. R. 1143: Mr. Johnson's Amendment | The Congressional Globe | ADOPT_PROPOSAL | |
900146 | 900114 | H. R. 1143: Mr. Johnson's Amendment: Mr. Henderson's Amendment | H. R. 1143: Mr. Johnson's Amendment | The Congressional Globe | ADOPT_PROPOSAL | |
902098 | 900112 | H. R. 1143: Mr. Brown's Amendment | H. R. 1143 | The Congressional Globe | DROP_PROPOSAL | |
900157 | 900114 | H. R. 1143: Mr. Johnson's Amendment: Mr. Frelinghuysen's Second Amendment | H. R. 1143: Mr. Johnson's Amendment | The Congressional Globe | ADOPT_PROPOSAL | |
900160 | 900114 | H. R. 1143: Mr. Johnson's Amendment: Mr. Morrill's Amendment | H. R. 1143: Mr. Johnson's Amendment | The Congressional Globe | ADOPT_PROPOSAL | |
900162 | 900160 | H. R. 1143: Mr. Johnson's Amendment: Mr. Morrill's Amendment: Modification | H. R. 1143: Mr. Johnson's Amendment: Mr. Morrill's Amendment | The Congressional Globe | ADOPT_PROPOSAL | |
900165 | 900160 | H. R. 1143: Mr. Johnson's Amendment: Mr. Morrill's Amendment: Mr. Frelinghuysen's Modification | H. R. 1143: Mr. Johnson's Amendment: Mr. Morrill's Amendment | The Congressional Globe | ADOPT_PROPOSAL | |
900167 | 900160 | H. R. 1143: Mr. Johnson's Amendment: Mr. Morrill's Amendment: Mr. Frelinghuysen's Second Modification | H. R. 1143: Mr. Johnson's Amendment: Mr. Morrill's Amendment | The Congressional Globe | ADOPT_PROPOSAL | |
900173 | 900114 | H. R. 1143: Mr. Johnson's Amendment: Mr. Sumner's Amendment | H. R. 1143: Mr. Johnson's Amendment | The Congressional Globe | REJECT_PROPOSAL | |
900175 | 900173 | H. R. 1143: Mr. Johnson's Amendment: Mr. Sumner's Amendment: Mr. Sumner's Modification | H. R. 1143: Mr. Johnson's Amendment: Mr. Sumner's Amendment | The Congressional Globe | ADOPT_PROPOSAL | |
900183 | 900173 | H. R. 1143: Mr. Johnson's Amendment: Mr. Sumner's Amendment: Mr. Sumner's Second Modification | H. R. 1143: Mr. Johnson's Amendment: Mr. Sumner's Amendment | The Congressional Globe | ADOPT_PROPOSAL | |
902159 | 900112 | H. R. 1143: Mr. Henderson's Substitute | H. R. 1143 | The Congressional Globe; Library of Congress, Congress.gov | REJECT_PROPOSAL | |
902182 | 900114 | H. R. 1143: Mr. Johnson's Amendment: Mr. McDougall's Amendment | H. R. 1143: Mr. Johnson's Amendment | The Congressional Globe; Library of Congress, Congress.gov | No decision | |
900220 | 900112 | H. R. 1143: Mr. Sherman's Substitute | H. R. 1143 | The Congressional Globe; Library of Congress, Congress.gov | ADOPT_PROPOSAL | |
902206 | 900112 | H. R. 1143: Mr. Sherman's Amendment to the Preamble | H. R. 1143 | The Congressional Globe; Library of Congress, Congress.gov | ADOPT_PROPOSAL | |
902201 | 900220 | H. R. 1143: Mr. Sherman's Substitute: Mr. Sherman's Modification | H. R. 1143: Mr. Sherman's Substitute | The Congressional Globe | ADOPT_PROPOSAL | |
900223 | 900220 | H. R. 1143: Mr. Sherman's Substitute: Mr. Buckalew's Amendment | H. R. 1143: Mr. Sherman's Substitute | The Congressional Globe | REPORT_PROPOSAL | |
900226 | 900220 | H. R. 1143: Mr. Sherman's Substitute: Mr. Hendricks' Amendment | H. R. 1143: Mr. Sherman's Substitute | The Congressional Globe | REJECT_PROPOSAL | |
900241 | 900220 | H. R. 1143: Mr. Sherman's Substitute: Mr. Hendricks' Second Amendment | H. R. 1143: Mr. Sherman's Substitute | The Congressional Globe | REJECT_PROPOSAL | |
900244 | 900220 | H. R. 1143: Mr. Sherman's Substitute: Mr. Hendricks' Third Amendment | H. R. 1143: Mr. Sherman's Substitute | The Congressional Globe | REJECT_PROPOSAL | |
900251 | 900220 | H. R. 1143: Mr. Sherman's Substitute: Mr. Hendricks' Fourth Amendment | H. R. 1143: Mr. Sherman's Substitute | The Congressional Globe | REJECT_PROPOSAL | |
900256 | 900220 | H. R. 1143: Mr. Sherman's Substitute: Mr. Hendricks' Fifth Amendment | H. R. 1143: Mr. Sherman's Substitute | The Congressional Globe | DROP_PROPOSAL | |
902214 | 900220 | H. R. 1143: Mr. Sherman's Substitute: Mr. Norton's Amendment | H. R. 1143: Mr. Sherman's Substitute | The Congressional Globe | DROP_PROPOSAL | |
900267 | 900220 | H. R. 1143: Mr. Sherman's Substitute: Mr. Norton's Second Amendment | H. R. 1143: Mr. Sherman's Substitute | The Congressional Globe | REJECT_PROPOSAL | |
900276 | 900112 | H. R. 1143: Mr. McDougall's Amendment | H. R. 1143 | The Congressional Globe | REJECT_PROPOSAL |
Event Id | Target Id | Proposal Name | Target Name | Source | Dependant Amendments | Ultimate Decision Type |
Event Id | Target Id | Proposal Name | Target Name | Source | Dependant Amendments | Ultimate Decision Type |
Event Id | Target Id | Proposal Name | Target Name | Source | Dependant Amendments | Ultimate Decision Type |
Event Id | Target Id | Proposal Name | Target Name | Source | Dependant Amendments | Ultimate Decision Type |
Event Id | Target Id | Proposal Name | Target Name | Source | Dependant Amendments | Ultimate Decision Type |
867622 | 867614 | S. 1: First Senate Committee on the District of Columbia Amendment | S. 1 | Editorial Decisions; Library of Congress, Congress.gov, The Congressional Globe | No decision | |
867624 | 867614 | S. 1: Second Senate Committee on the District of Columbia Amendment | S. 1 | Editorial Decisions; Library of Congress, Congress.gov, The Congressional Globe | No decision | |
867626 | 867614 | S. 1: Third Senate Committee on the District of Columbia Amendment | S. 1 | Editorial Decisions; Library of Congress, Congress.gov, The Congressional Globe | No decision | |
867628 | 867614 | S. 1: Fourth Senate Committee on the District of Columbia Amendment | S. 1 | Editorial Decisions; Library of Congress, Congress.gov, The Congressional Globe | No decision | |
867631 | 867614 | S. 1: Fifth Senate Committee on the District of Columbia Amendment | S. 1 | Editorial Decisions; Library of Congress, Congress.gov, The Congressional Globe | No decision | |
867719 | 867716 | S. 1: Senate Committee on the District of Columbia Substitute | S. 1 | Editorial Decisions; Library of Congress, Congress.gov | No decision |
Event Id | Target Id | Proposal Name | Target Name | Source | Dependant Amendments | Ultimate Decision Type |
Event Id | Target Id | Proposal Name | Target Name | Source | Dependant Amendments | Ultimate Decision Type |
870311 | 870302 | S. 1: Enrollment | S. 1 | Editorial Decisions; Statutes at Large | ADOPT_PROPOSAL | |
904120 | 904108 | H. R. 1143: Enrollment | H. R. 1143 | Editorial Decisions; Statutes at Large | ADOPT_PROPOSAL |
Event Id | Target Id | Proposal Name | Target Name | Source | Dependant Amendments | Ultimate Decision Type |
898777 | 898769 | Resolutions on Distributing the President's Annual Address: Mr. Steven's Amendment | Resolutions on Distributing the President's Annual Address | The Congressional Globe | ADOPT_PROPOSAL |