United States Thirteenth Amendment 1863-65

Robert Wilson

(November, 1803 -- 10 May, 1870) Wilson was an American politician, lawyer, and soldier. Born in Staunton, Va., Wilson moved to Missouri in 1820. Wilson studied law and was admitted to the bar in 1840. Wilson participated as a Union delegate in the State convention called to determine the attitude on secession in 1861 and was elected vice president of the convention, later acting as president. Wilson was appointed as a Unionist to the United States Senate to fill the vacancy caused by the expulsion of Waldo P. Johnson and served from January 17th, 1862 to November 13th, 1863. [Source: 'Biographical Directory of the United States Congress, 1774- Present', available at http://bioguide.congress.gov/biosearch/biosearch.asp]

Member of Missouri Delegation - The Road to Civil War , Missouri Delegation - United States Thirteenth Amendment 1863-65 [this display].

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