This project models the series of formal and informal negotiations which led to the publication, in December 1993, of a declaration issued jointly by the British and Irish Governments. The Joint Declaration was a critical policy document which paved the way for a ceasefire and the entry of Sinn Féin into formal talks. It also laid out a shared set of principles – including, crucially, self-determination for the people of Ireland subject to the consent of the people of Northern Ireland – which would come to underpin the Belfast Good Friday Agreement and provide a framework for its ratification.
This committee has been created to model meetings between the Prime Minister and the Taoiseach.
To see the full record of a committee, click on the corresponding committee on the map below.
[Exact time unknown] Robin Butler and David Blatherwick met Albert Reynolds to hand over an alternative British draft of the Joint Declaration and a letter from John Major explaining that he thought JD14 would not be saleable to the Unionists, and laying out the rationale behind the alternative draft. Reynolds was very angry.
Membership (at session start):
John Major, Albert Reynolds (2 total)
Representing 2 delegations:
British Government , Irish Government
Imported Documents
Imported Amendments
Exported Documents
Exported Amendments
Resources (8):
Resource Collections (0):
Resource Items (8):
The alternative British draft of the Joint Declaration from 25 November 1993. This had been rejected by the Taoiseach but was provided as a useful source of British phraseology.
A 25 November 1993 draft of the alternative British draft. Clean copy.
Major sets the context for this British draft Joint Declaration by outlining the events of the past week. These include the Hume/Adams statement and the exposure of the existence of Irish-British talk, which prompted a backlash from the Unionists. He fears that unless the Declaration is now significantly altered, the Unionists will assume it is heavily influenced by Hume and Adams and therefore Republican leaning. Butler is tasked with explaining this new draft.
This note outlines how Butler (or others) should explain John Major's letter an attached British draft of the Joint Declaration. It delves into further detail than the letter on the various stumbling blocks and difficulties encountered in the recent weeks, including the Hume/Adams statement and the Irish Press leak. The note also outlines the key syntax and substance differences between the two texts, such as the explicit statement of a constitutional guarantee.
A supplementary note in response to Robin Butler's note, adding a couple of observations. He attributes Reynolds' anger at the new draft in part to annoyance caused by 'overinterpretation' of the Brussels statement by HMG, as well as the PIRA messages.
An adjustment to Robin Butler's speaking notes for the handover meeting of the alternative British draft, designed to bring them in line with the new 25 November 1993 version of the text.
Photocopied note by Seán Ó hUiginn of a meeting in Albert Reynolds’ office on 26 November 1993, between Albert Reynolds, Martin Mansergh, and Seán Ó hUiginn on the Irish side and Robin Butler and Blatherwick on the UK side. Items discussed include communications between the UK government and the PIRA; Molyneaux and the Unionists' position; the UK version of the draft declaration (25 November 1993); the upcoming summit; and questions about the role of the UK security services.
A speaking note introducing the alternative British draft of the Joint Declaration. Explaining that it seems the current draft would not be acceptable to Unionists, especially since the 25 September 1993 Hume/Adams comments and the difficulty of detaching the Joint Declaration from Hume/Adams. The leak of the Framework Agreement Irish draft is also cited. Goes through the Communiqué and the Annex and explains the crossover with JD14.
Summary of events in this session:
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List of people joining the committee
List of people leaving the committee
List of people elected to a position
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List of proposals created
List of proposals amended
List of proposals copied
List of proposals imported
List of proposals to be voted on
List of proposals debated
List of proposals adopted
List of proposals rejected
List of proposals dropped
List of proposals referred
List of postpone debate voted on
List of other proposals voted on
List of procedural motion
List of motions debated
Icon key
Person joining a committee
Person leaving a committee
Person elected to a position
A new document introduced
An amendment proposed
A document introduced from another committee
A revision of another document begun
Amendment imported from another committee
Proposal Debated
Drop a proposal
Refer a proposal
Adopt a proposal
Other vote (continue debate)
Reject a proposal
Postpone debate on a proposal
Procedural motion introduced
Procedural Motion Debated
Procedural motion with sub-decisions