Northern Ireland Downing Street Joint Declaration (1993)

This project models the series of formal and informal negotiations which led to the publication, in December 1993, of a declaration issued jointly by the British and Irish Governments. The Joint Declaration was a critical policy document which paved the way for a ceasefire and the entry of Sinn Féin into formal talks. It also laid out a shared set of principles – including, crucially, self-determination for the people of Ireland subject to the consent of the people of Northern Ireland – which would come to underpin the Belfast Good Friday Agreement and provide a framework for its ratification.

British Government

This committee has been created to model internal British Government documents and meetings.

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Session 21860: 1993-12-02 12:00:01

[Exact time unknown] A letter from John Hume expressing concern at the possible loss of an opportunity for peace was handed over to John Major in the House of Commons. Extensive briefing material was submitted for the Anglo-Irish summit on 3 December 1993.

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Resource Items (38):

Approved Description of Robin Eames' Position on the Joint Declaration for the Anglo-Irish Summit on 3 December 1993 - (link)

Standing by his previous amendments, concerned about the Conference, Reynolds going futher than previous Taoisigh in recognising Northern traditions

Brief on Cross-Border Security Co-operation for Anglo-Irish Talks on 3 December 1993 - (link)

Outlines the points and a background note for the British delegation for their meeting with the Irish delegation with regards to cross-border security cooperation. Encloses the Chilcot/Dalton Group Report, a list of recent incidents with cross-border links, and a list of Garda discoveries since the previous Anglo-Irish Summit.

Brief on Social and Economic Issues for Anglo-Irish Talks on 3 December 1993 - (link)

Outlines the cooperation taking place between the British and Irish Governments in various social and economic issues.

Briefing Notes on JD14 and the Alternative British Draft in Preparation for the Anglo-Irish Summit on 3 December 1993. Copy Annotated by Quentin Thomas. - (link)

Duplicate of CJ410894_11 without any contextual material. Annotations in biro and note 'QT' in top right hand corner. Does not include the texts. Focuses on the consent principle and the removal of the Irish constitutional claim.

Briefing on Cross-Border Security Co-Operation for the Anglo-Irish Summit on 3 December 1993 - (link)

Emphasise the threat of all terrorism to both sides; welcome Chilcot/Dalton report; police structures and liaison arrangements; border flight safety zones. Suggests possible communiqué language.

Briefing on JD14, JD14A and the Alternative British Draft of the Joint Declaration in Preparation for the Anglo-Irish Summit on 3 December 1993 - (link)

Introduces three copies of the Joint Declaration: JD14, JD14A (JD14 as annotated after the meeting with Molyneaux) and the 25 November 1993 alternative British version which was rejected by the Taoiseach but they suggest can be mined for helpful phrases. Also includes some more general handling notes.

Briefing on Social and Economic Issues for the Anglo-Irish Summit on 3 December 1993 - (link)

Belfast-Dublin railway link; cross-border trade;

Briefing on the Northern Ireland Political Parties for the Anglo-Irish Summit on 3 December 1993 - (link)

Outlines the mood of the four parties involved in Talks. UUP increasingly uncertain; DUP complaining about exclusion; SDLP focused on Hume/Adams and not keen on all-party talks; Alliance party deeply committee to all-party talks.

Briefing on the Schedule and Agenda of the Anglo-Irish Talks on 3 December 1993 - (link)

Comprises important points about the meeting and the objectives of the British Government for the Anglo-Irish Talks planned for 3 December 1993. Annotated.

Briefing on the Talks Process for the Anglo-Irish Summit on 3 December 1993 - (link)

Objective is to secure re-dedication to the Talks process. Discusses difficulties with Joint Framework Document following Irish press leak. Necessity of the Joint Framework Document to furthering the Talks process.

Briefing on Tom King's Visit to Dublin - (link)

Provides an account of Tom King's visit to Dublin and his interactions with Irish officials. Addressed to Roderic Lyne.

Comment on the Irish Position on the Eve of the Anglo-Irish Talks on 3 December 1993 - (link)

Notes the comments made by Albert Reynolds and identifies the risks in a change in position. Highlighted and annotated.

Contingency Brief on THORP for John Major's Meeting with Albert Reynolds on 3 December 1993 - (link)

Outlines the points for the British delegation for their meeting with the Irish delegation with regards to the new Thermal Oxide Reprocessing Plant at Sellafield in 1992.

Enclosure: Alternative British Draft of the Joint Declaration - (link)

The alternative British draft of the Joint Declaration from 25 November 1993. This had been rejected by the Taoiseach but was provided as a useful source of British phraseology.

Enclosure: Briefing on European Council Issues - (link)

Briefing for discussion on EC points, including the Commission White Paper, Article 103 Broad Economic Guidelines, International aspects of Enlargement and GATT.

Enclosure: Draft Programme for Anglo-Irish Talks Suggested by the Irish Government - (link)

Draft programme for the meeting between the Irish and British delegations in Dublin on 3 December 1993.

Enclosure: Joint Declaration JD14 (Annotated Copy) - (link)

JD14 with annotations by an unnamed British Government civil servant marking points that they want amended.

Enclosure: Joint Declaration JD14A (Annotated Copy) - (link)

JD14 with amendments made after a meeting with Molyneaux. Manuscript annotations by an unknown British civil servant also note further points to press with the Irish.

Enclosure: Letter from John Hume to John Major - (link)

Letter from John Hume to John Major underlining the importance of the Joint Declaration and highlighting what he sees as its key points.

Enclosure: Points to Make on the Exchanges between the British Government and the IRA for the Anglo-Irish Talks - (link)

Item temporarily retained under section 3(4) of the Public Records Act.

Fax from David Blatherwick Setting the Scene for the Anglo-Irish Summit on 3 December 1993 - (link)

Details Irish attitudes to the summit, saying that Northern Ireland will be the key topic and that Irish officials are angry about the IRA message exchange. Also outlines non-Northern Ireland summit topics.

Letter from David Cooke to Mr Stephens Enclosing a Briefing for the Anglo-Irish Summit on 3 December 1993 - (link)

Cover letter enclosing briefing

Letter from Roderic Lyne to Jonathan Stephens Enclosing a Letter from John Hume to John Major - (link)

Covering letter enclosing a letter from John Hume to John Major and requesting a draft reply.

Letter from Roderic Lyne to Jonathan Stephens Regarding the Letter Sent by John Hume to John Major - (link)

Encloses a letter from John Hume to John Major and requests Jonathan Stephens to draft a reply on his behalf. While the letter has not be attached to this document, a copy of it is available in PREM/19/4263/1. Annotated.

Letter from Roderic Lyne to Jonathan Stephens Regarding the Letter Sent by John Hume to John Major - (link)

Encloses a letter from John Hume to John Major and requests Jonathan Stephens to draft a reply on his behalf. While the letter has not be attached to this document, a copy of it is available in PREM/19/4263/1. Annotated.

Letter from Tony Beeton to Jonathan Stephens a Draft Reply to John Hume's Letter of 2 December 1993 - (link)

Covering letter from Tony Beeton to Jonathan Stephens enclosing a draft reply for John Hume.

Letter to Roderic Lyne Enclosing the Northern Ireland Office Briefing for the Anglo-Irish Summit on 3 December 1993 - (link)

Cover letter enclosing briefing documents and briefly describing their contents; useful for reassembling the briefing as a whole

Minute from Richard Stagg Enclosing Programme and Briefings for the Meeting between John Major and Albert Reynolds - (link)

Encloses a draft programme for the working meeting on 3 December 1993, a briefing on EC points and a scene-setting telegram.

Minute from Roderic Lyne Regarding the Arrangements for the Anglo-Irish Talks on 3 December 1993 - (link)

Notes the arrangements for the working meeting between the Irish and British delegations. Encloses a news cutting from the Irish Times on a briefing given by someone in the Irish Government, an account of Douglas Hurd's conversation with Dick Spring, a telegram from David Blatherwick on Albert Reynold's public use of the self-determination formula, the account of Robin Eames of his meeting with Reynolds, and a letter from John Hume. Of these, only the first two items are attached to this letter.

Minute from Roderic Lyne Regarding the Arrangements for the Anglo-Irish Talks on 3 December 1993 - (link)

Notes the arrangements for the working meeting between the Irish and British delegations. Encloses a news cutting from the Irish Times on a briefing given by someone in the Irish Government, an account of Douglas Hurd's conversation with Dick Spring, a telegram from David Blatherwick on Albert Reynold's public use of the self-determination formula, the account of Robin Eames of his meeting with Reynolds, and a letter from John Hume. None of these are attached to the minute. Look elsewhere in the file to find a duplicate file along with some of the mentioned enclosures.

Northern Ireland Office Schedule for the Anglo-Irish Summit on 3 December 1993 - (link)

Gives the schedule for a series of meetings on 3 December 1993 in Dublin Castle starting at 11am. Key one is Major/Reynolds meeting, but also a Spring/Hurd/Mayhew meeting focussed on IRA message damage control, a Plenary meeting and a press conference.

Objectives of the British Government in the Anglo-Irish Talks of 3 December 1993 - (link)

Outlines the objectives of the Anglo-Irish talks and also lists some objectives to keep in mind in case there is a breakdown of communication.

Overall Objectives for the Anglo-Irish Summit on 3 December 1993 - (link)

Objectives for the 3 December 1993 Major/Reynolds meeting; to put the IRA contact revelations and Irish document leak behind them; restore mutual confidence in the Talks process; agree the text of the Joint Declaration; agree a positive press line. Includes a 'Fall-Back' section which lists issues it would be acceptable to break on, were a break to occur.

Prime Minister's Opening Statement [to Press Conference on 3 December 1993] - (link)

A speech headed 'Prime Minister's Opening Statement' and annotated '?3/12/94?' [sic]. Given its position within the file it seems likely to have been a draft of Major's opening statement to the press following the Anglo-Irish Summit on 3 December 1993.

Sequence of Events on the Day of the Anglo-Irish Talks on 3 December 1993 with Enclosed Brief on Points to Cover - (link)

Provides the sequence of events at the meeting between the British and the Irish delegations on 3 December 1993. Encloses pointers on the exchanges between the British and the IRA along with some supplementary notes which are not available for viewing as they have been temporarily retained under section 3(4) of the Public Records Act.

Speaking Notes for the Anglo-Irish Summit on 3 December 1993 - (link)

Emphasise need to carry Unionists via Molyneaux; criticise Irish Government leaks; complain about absence of Framework Document draft; need to acheive peace and renunciation of violence; avoid Hume/Adams contamination; swapping Irish Convention for British acknowledgement of the eventual inclusion of Sinn Fein after a renouncement of violence. Page 2 is blurry but legible.

Speaking Notes for the Anglo-Irish Summit Press Conference on 3 December 1993 - (link)

Speaking notes for press conference after the 3 December 1993 Major/Reynolds meeting; gives options for positive points and potential lines for if there were to be a breach; sets the meeting in the context of Brussels Joint Statement of 29 October, emphasises move towards non-violent political process.

Speaking Notes on the PIRA Messages for the Spring/Hurd/Mayhew Meeting at the Anglo-Irish Summit on 3 December 1993 - (link)

Channel in existence for 20 years across successive administrations; secrecy needed to preserve lives; not an alternative agenda to the Joint Declaration; transcription and typing errors

Summary of events in this session:


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