This project models the series of formal and informal negotiations which led to the publication, in December 1993, of a declaration issued jointly by the British and Irish Governments. The Joint Declaration was a critical policy document which paved the way for a ceasefire and the entry of Sinn Féin into formal talks. It also laid out a shared set of principles – including, crucially, self-determination for the people of Ireland subject to the consent of the people of Northern Ireland – which would come to underpin the Belfast Good Friday Agreement and provide a framework for its ratification.
This committee has been created to model meetings of the Butler/Nally Group, which was one of the key structures in the drafting of the Declaration. From Autumn 1993 onwards, Chilcot and Ó hUiginn were also part of the negotiating team working on the Joint Declaration.
To see the full record of a committee, click on the corresponding committee on the map below.
[Exact time unknown] A Butler/Nally meeting was held to discuss the text as it emerged from the Anglo-Irish summit on 3 December 1993.
Membership (at session start):
Robin Butler, John Chilcot, Dermot Nally, Seán Ó hUiginn (4 total)
Representing 2 delegations:
British Government , Irish Government
Imported Documents
Imported Amendments
Exported Documents
Exported Amendments
Resources (32):
Resource Collections (0):
Resource Items (32):
Photocopied draft Joint Declaration by Albert Reynolds and John Major, marked “JD14 showing additions and omissions proposed in Dublin on 3 December”, containing eleven paragraphs, with handwritten comments and notes by Dermot Nally. Also labelled as "JD.14B".
Photocopied draft Joint Declaration by Albert Reynolds and John Major, marked" J.D. 15", containing twelve paragraphs, with handwritten amendments, comments and notes by Dermot Nally.
A note detailing various possibilities for alternative language on self-determination to be incorporated into the text of the Joint Declaration. Annex A of the briefing material enclosed with a covering letter from Quentin Thomas (above).
A note exploring various options for concessions to ask for from the Irish Government in the text of the Joint Declaration, acknowledging the possibility and desirability of amendment of the Irish constitution. Annex A of the briefing material enclosed with a covering letter from Quentin Thomas (above).
This briefing begins by restating the ultimate British objectives in these talks, including the constitutional guarantee and the notion of consent. This offers a clear and comprehensive documentation of the British position both generally and specific to certain paragraphs. Indeed, Annex A and B enclosed contain British rewrites of paragraphs concerning self-determination and on Articles Two and Three and consent. The draft that was on the table was JD14.
Outlines the developments in the talks process and describes the changes that have been proposed in each paragraph in the text. Includes detailed sections in Annex A and B on negotiations around the paragraphs on the constitutional guarantee and articles 2 and 3 of the Irish constitution. Highlighted.
A detailed commentary on JD14B (JD14 incorporating the amendments proposed in Dublin on 3 December 1993 by both sides). Part of the briefing material enclosed with Quentin Thomas' covering letter to Robin Butler (above).
A clean copy of JD14B: the text of JD14 incorporating the amendments proposed by both sides in Dublin on 3 December 1993. Enclosed with Quentin Thomas' covering letter (above) as part of the briefing material for the Butler/Nally meeting.
Text of the Joint Declaration with provisionally agreed amendments underlined.
There are some sentences underlined in the text, most predominantly in paragraph 4 and 12, the latter indicates a wholly rewritten paragraph.
There are some sentences underlined in the text, most predominantly in paragraph 4 and 12, the latter indicates a wholly rewritten paragraph.
There are some sentences underlined in the text, most predominantly in paragraph 4 and 12, the latter indicates a wholly rewritten paragraph.
There are some sentences underlined in the text, most predominantly in paragraph 4 and 12, the latter indicates a wholly rewritten paragraph.
Text of the Joint Declaration with proposed amendments from 3 December 1993 indicated via underlining.
A letter from Albert Reynolds to John Major following the Anglo-Irish Summit, urging him to proceed with the Joint Declaration and making the case for maintaining the Irish Convention. Enclosed with the letter above as Annex A.
He encloses an official briefing for the meeting, but also offers an outline of several key themes in this covering fax. The constitutional guarantee is central once more, and there is also a proposal that the Joint Declaration be made somewhere on the British Isle rather than the previously agreed European Council meeting. He then goes on to detail a long scenario that could come about if the Irish accept all that they are seeking to propose in the following meeting.
The first page is the wrong way round within the file, as indicated by the numbers at the top. A handwritten note of the Butler/Nally meeting on 7 December 1993, according to pencilled annotation at the top. Goes through the text paragraph by paragraph and also includes some attributed comments. Record seems to be missing pages.
A hidden copylist for Quentin Thomas' covering letter to Robin Butler and the enclosed briefing material.
A clean copy of JD15 as agreed between Butler and Nally on 7 December 1993.
A clean copy of JD15 as agreed between Butler and Nally on 7 December 1993.
A copy of JD15 as agreed by Butler and Nally on 7 December 1993, with handwritten annotations glossing and rationalising some of the language and amendments.
Includes some pencil additions. There are some sentences underlined in the text, most predominantly in paragraph 4 and 12, the latter indicates a wholly rewritten paragraph. Sections are crossed out, explaining why later versions of this text are only 6 pages long.
A clean copy of JD15 (7 December 1993) with provisionally agreed amendments added in type and underlined.
JD14B not enclosed. A briefing letter from Quentin Thomas to Robin Butler in advance of his 6 December 1993 meeting with Dermot Nally.
Outlines objectives and considerations for British delegates to keep in mind for their meeting with the Irish delegates for discussions on the Joint Declaration text. Encloses a briefing on the discussions that have taken place so far, detailed notes on the points of constitutional guarantee and articles 2 and 3 of the Irish Constitution, and the JD14B text of the Joint declaration with the proposed amendments by the two Governments incorporated and underlined.
Letter from Quentin Thomas to Robin Butler, enclosing a briefing for the Butler/Nally meeting on 7 December 1993. Encloses a copy of JD14B (JD14 with the British and Irish proposed amendments), summarises the key objectives of the meeting, and starts to think about handling suggestions.
Handwritten note by Dermot Nally of his meeting with Robin Butler, at the London Cabinet Office on 7 December 1993. Also present at the meeting were Blatherwick, John Chilcot, and Thomas. Items discussed include the text of the draft Joint Declaration.
Comments on the discussions around the Joint Declaration and outlines some goals in advance of the release of the statement. Encloses a report by Robin Butler on the Joint Declaration which is not available as an attachment to this file, but is recorded elsewhere in the folder. Annotated.
A letter from Robin Butler to John Major recording the Butler/Nally meeting on 7 December 1993. As well as the four usual members of the group (Butler, Nally, Chilcot and Ó hUiginn), Quentin Thomas, David Blatherwick, Noel Dorr and Martin Mansergh attended the meeting. The Irish officials delivered a letter from the Taoiseach. The text of the Joint Declaration was discussed in detail and an amended version worked up, with all amendments ad referendum to Major and Reynolds. The handling of the Declaration was also discussed.
Provides an account of the discussion held between delegates from the British and Irish Governments regarding the proposed amendments to the text of the Joint Declaration. Encloses a letter from Albert Reynolds (which is not present in the file), and an annotated version of the text of the Joint Declaration.
Meeting between Robin Butler, John Chilcot, David Blatherwick, Dermot Nally, Noel Dorr, Seán Ó hUiginn and Martin Mansergh. Annexes not attached in file.
Heavily annotated and includes a new paragraph 11.
Summary of events in this session:
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List of people joining the committee
List of people leaving the committee
List of people elected to a position
0 0 0
List of proposals created
List of proposals amended
List of proposals copied
List of proposals imported
List of proposals to be voted on
List of proposals debated
List of proposals adopted
List of proposals rejected
List of proposals dropped
List of proposals referred
List of postpone debate voted on
List of other proposals voted on
List of procedural motion
List of motions debated
Icon key
Person joining a committee
Person leaving a committee
Person elected to a position
A new document introduced
An amendment proposed
A document introduced from another committee
A revision of another document begun
Amendment imported from another committee
Proposal Debated
Drop a proposal
Refer a proposal
Adopt a proposal
Other vote (continue debate)
Reject a proposal
Postpone debate on a proposal
Procedural motion introduced
Procedural Motion Debated
Procedural motion with sub-decisions