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Writing Peace: The National Archives of the UK (TNA)

Memo from Kenneth Bloomfield to John Chilcot Proposing a Joint Statement Offering the Release of Prisoners in Exchange for the Cessation of Violence

Monday, 10 December 1990


In this memo, addressed to John Chilcot, Kenneth Bloomfield reflects on different options available to the British Government with regards to prisoners, with the specific aim of ending PIRA's campaign. He outlines the problems with introducing internment and proposes a joint statement with the Irish Government which would ask PIRA to cease paramilitary activity in exchange for the gradual review and release of prisoners. He also notes that the proposal would state that PIRA's refusal would compel the Irish and British Governments to reinstate internment. The first page includes some annotated notes.

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Writing Peace: The National Archives of the UK (TNA)

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