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Writing Peace: The National Archives of the UK (TNA)

Note from Nigel Carson to David Watkins regarding Alliance's complaints regarding the Forum, 5 August 1996

Wednesday, 08 May 1996


This document contains a note from Nigel Carson to David Watkins dated 5 August 1996, in which Carson responds to the complaints made by Alliance and which were recorded in Peter Smyth's note to Patrick Mayhew. Carson stated that while Alliance did bring up a legitimate complaint in relation to the Business Committee meeting that took place on 23 July 1996 which Carson had already apologized for, he emphasized that this was the only time that this issue had arisen, and that the manner in which it was presented in Smyth's note was inaccurate. The note goes on to respond to other points in Smyth's note.

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Writing Peace: The National Archives of the UK (TNA)

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