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Writing Peace: The National Archives of the UK (TNA)

Note from Stephen Leach enclosing speaking points for Michael Ancram and the agenda of the opening Plenary, 17 July 1996

Wednesday, 17 July 1996


This document contains a note from Stephen Leach regarding a set of speaking notes for Michael Ancram for the discussion on the agenda for the opening Plenary session. Leach mentions in an addendum to the text that Patrick Mayhew had had a constructive meeting with David Trimble earlier the same day, and that Trimble had taken a copy of the new proposed agenda to consider with his colleagues. The document encloses speaking points for Ancram's reference, the new version of the proposed agenda for the resumed opening Plenary, the 6 June version of the proposed agenda, and the terms of reference for the proposed sub-committee on decommissioning.

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Writing Peace: The National Archives of the UK (TNA)

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