The document records a meeting between Patrick Mayhew [Secretary of State for Northern Ireland], Brendan McAllister [leader of the Mediation Network], and McAllister's assistant Joe Campbell that took place on 8 July 1996. McAllister stated that he expected that some 'theatre' had to be performed before a resolution to the Drumcree crisis could be arrived at. According to him, the most likely option for accommodation that they had was the identification of a compromise route. At that point, however, the nationalist groups in Drumcree were opposed to this accommodation, as the Orange Order had refused to speak to them, and also because of their experience with the parade the previous year. He further counselled that the RUC should let the Orange Order down the Ormeau Road to help defuse the situation, and that he was investigating the possibility that representatives in Lower Ormeau and Portadown could make statements distancing themselves from Sinn Féin. McAllister noted that it was important for it to not seem as if the British Government was doing a deal with the Orange Order as it would reinforce the nationalists' perception of a weak Government which worked primarily in service to Unionists, and John Steele noted similar difficulties of being seen to 'cut a deal' with the local residents. Mayhew spoke about his future meeting with David Trimble, Ian Paisley and Martin Smyth, and McAllister said that they were hoping that the police would give way and let the march pass Garvaghy Road. Campbell said that the three Unionist leaders should leave the meeting knowing that what happened the next few days was going to be their responsibility.
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