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Writing Peace: The National Archives of the UK (TNA)

Memo from John Steele on establishing an independent commission to review parades and marches, 17 July 1996

Wednesday, 17 July 1996


This document, dated 16 July and addressed to the Secretary of State Patrick Mayhew's private secretary, records a memo from John Steele, Senior Director Belfast Policing and Security, with advice on the publication of terms of reference and thoughts on membership and staffing of the Independent Commission to Review Parades and Marches in Northern Ireland. Regarding the terms of reference for the Commission, Steele advised on a consultation process involving the UUP [Ulster Unionist Party], SDLP [Social and Democratic Party], DUP [Democratic Unionist Party], and the Alliance Party, as well as the Irish Government, important church leaders and Chief Constable Hugh Annesley. Steele suggested that the Commission should ideally consist of three members to ensure effectiveness, with an independent chairperson with some knowledge of Northern Ireland. Steele also wrote that they should aim to have the Commission operational by August or September. This document encloses the draft terms of reference for the Commission (see item 27).

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Writing Peace: The National Archives of the UK (TNA)

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