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Writing Peace: The National Archives of the UK (TNA)

Record of a meeting between Patrick Mayhew, David Trimble, Ian Paisley and Martin Smyth on 8 July 1996

Saturday, 07 September 1996


This document records a meeting between Patrick Mayhew [Secretary of State for Northern Ireland], David Trimble [leader of the Ulster Unionist Party (UUP)], Ian Paisley [leader of the Democratic Unionist Party (DUP)], and Martin Smyth [UUP MP and Grand Master of the Orange Order] that took place on 8 July 1996. They discussed the Drumcree crisis, and Trimble complained about RUC [Royal Ulster Constabulary] violence towards protestors, predicting that more casualties and even fatalities would take place overnight. Trimble criticized the Chief Constable and stated that he wanted to meet the Prime Minister, and that he was meeting Mayhew before he approached John Major out of propriety. Paisley noted the alleged presence of hooded men and thugs wearing Orange sashes, and Trimble said that it was very likely that the loyalists would turn on the police. Mayhew stated that the police had to act within the law, but also reiterated the Chief Constable's view that allowing the march to progress further would lead to disorder. Trimble argued there was little scope for a resolution as he had heard that the nationalists in Portadown were not talking to the Orange Order marchers, and Paisley connected the events of the year to those of the march the year before. Mayhew said that he would not be able to ask the Chief Constable to change his decision; Trimble conceded that the situation may be resolved over time through discussion, but also noted that if the situation were to extend till 11 and 12 July, there would be rioting. Mayhew asked if it would help if the Garvaghy Road Residents Group were to disclaim links with Sinn Féin, and Trimble replied that it would not, as its leader, Brendan McKenna, was considered by many to be a Sinn Féin activist and a "convicted terrorist".

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Writing Peace: The National Archives of the UK (TNA)

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