A letter from Edward Oakden, Private Secretary for Foreign Affairs, Defence, and Northern Ireland, to Martin Howard, Private Secretary to the Northern Ireland Office, dated 26 July 1996. The letter is an update on the attempt by the British Government to send a letter by John Major, British Prime Minister, to Gerry Adams, SF [Sinn Féin] leader, via John Hume, SDLP [Social Democratic and Labour Party] leader. Oakden outlined Hume's criticisms of the letter and its wording as stood, the fact that Hume had only passed the wording on to Adams and not the letter itself, and Hume's misunderstanding over whether decommissioning would be pursued or only discussed during the multi-party negotiations. Oakden noted these developments did not 'bode well'. There is a handwritten annotation by Oakden addressed to the Prime Minister on the first page, and a second handwritten annotation from Major responding.
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