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Writing Peace: The National Archives of the UK (TNA)

Memo on Irish Government attitudes in the aftermath of Drumcree, 26 July 1996

Friday, 26 July 1996


A memo dated 26 July 1996, written by Victoria Sutherland, British Ambassador to Ireland, on the varying attitudes of Irish politicians towards Northern Ireland and the United Kingdom in the aftermaths of the Orange Order march at Dumcree. Sutherland noted that the future viability of the multi-party negotiations depended on the next plenary session 'paving the way' for negotiations on the substance of the three strands. She also wrote of continued 'calls from all sides' in Ireland for the British Government to officially renew dialgoue with Sinn Féin. Parts of the text have been highlighted.

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Writing Peace: The National Archives of the UK (TNA)

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