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Writing Peace: The National Archives of the UK (TNA)

Internal record of a pre-plenary meeting on 10 June 1996 at 14.05

Monday, 10 June 1996


This is an internal record of an informal pre-plenary meeting on 10 June 1996. David Trimble began the meeting by raising a point of order objecting to the appointment of Independent Chairmen. Ian Paisley objected to the Irish government being involved in the preparation of the ground rules, scenario paper and invitations. He went on to object to the chairmanship of the two governments, to articles 2 and 3 of the Irish constitution, to the Framework documents. David Trimble also expressed his dissatisfaction with the agenda. The meeting adjourned having only agreed plans for future sessions and multilateral consultations.

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Writing Peace: The National Archives of the UK (TNA)

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