Throughout the platform round icons are events relating to individuals and their right to have an opinion in particular debates:
Person joining a committee
Person leaving a committee
Person elected to a position
Parchment-coloured, square icons relate to the creation and amending of documents:
Create a new proposal
Create a new document that is a line-by-line revision of another document (noted by the pen icon in the corner)
Document amendment proposed
Document taken from another committee (note arrow in corner)
Amendment taken from another committee
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Documents that have an explicit subtype can be displayed with a slightly different icon:
Legislative text
Formal Resolutions
A message to be sent elsewhere
A petition to be considered
Rules and Orders of Business
Diamond-shaped, purple icons relate to decisions taken:
Drop a proposal
Refer a proposal to another committee
Adopt a proposal
Other vote (continue debate)
Reject a proposal
Postpone a debate
Blue, hexagon-shaped icons relate to 'procedural' proposals that do not directly alter text but affect
how a committee does its work (and are usually used only for transient things, such as a point of order.)
Procedural motion
Procedural motion with sub-decisions
Debate on a procedural motion
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Internal record of a bilateral between the British Government and the UUP and the informal discussions on the procedural rules from 3 July 1996, enclosing the British Government's proposed amendment to rule 1
Internal record of a bilateral between the British Government and the UUP and the informal discussions on the procedural rules from 3 July 1996, enclosing the British Government's proposed amendment to rule 1