This document records a meeting between Patrick Mayhew [the Secretary of State for Northern Ireland], SDLP [Social and Democratic Labour Party] MP Joe Hendron, Martin Morgan [SDLP leader and member of Belfast City Council] and Alastair McDonnell [former Deputy Lord Mayor of Belfast] that took place on the 12 July 1996. Hendron expressed concerns about the public opinion of the RUC's [Royal Ulster Constabulary] actions in the march as well as the likely reaction that will follow if the RUC permits the Orange Order march through Ormeau Road. McDonnell said that if the march was permitted to go through Ormeau Road, the SDLP would have no choice but to become more 'belligerent'. Mayhew defended the Chief Constable's actions and spoke about the need to for an independent review of the whole parades issue.
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