This document records a meeting between Veronica Sutherland, the British Ambassador to Ireland, and Paddy Teahon, Secretary General of the Department of the Taoiseach, that took place on 15 July 1996. Teahon explained that the Irish Taoiseach [John Bruton] had felt the need to make the statement in order to pre-empt any violent backlash from Sinn Féin in response to the events at Drumcree, which were still being perceived as the outcome of a political decision. Teahon noted that they were attending meetings in Belfast the next day, and that official contact with Sinn Féin was set to resume from next Wednesday. He also indicated that the Irish Government was hopeful to get agreement regarding the date for the IGC [Inter Governmental Conference], and that the two Governments should ask Chairman [George] Mitchell to speak to all the parties separately in order to find mutual ground on issues that had been causing a logjam.
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